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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 36

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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 36

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Pantile lam' 8 Destruction of Boundaries.

more attracted by tlio Mittelsmann, as our German noigiil)oi'S say. All too trustfully our apologists had entered the unequal sti-ife these with deeper vision, gentler feeling, and i-ij)er philosoph}- correctly saw how unproductive such clumsy striving must be, and, therefore, peace-loving as they were by nature, they rather employed a spiritual polity. So they entered the field j)receded by the white flag of truce, and, as the enemy drew near, ordered the trumpeter to blow o. j^ax vobiscum^ and readily assured the men of modern views of their warm sympathy with their modernity and of their deep dislike for the old school yes, that they would like nothing better than the honor of marching with these moderns, if only the name of Christ could be embroidered on the banner and the cross ornament the top of their standard. And the success of their polity was naturally brilliant. "Modern-orthodox," a genuine pantheistic comjiound, was the adopted name of the new auxilinr3\ And we behohl the hemes who were to rescue oiir faith d) service as sappers, chai-ged with the clearing away of " orthodox obstacles," However (whether under the influence of De Genestet who shall say?), the compromise method soon ceased to enchant; and then, at lengtli, we beheld how men gathered under the Jacobi had been a heretic in his shield of the amphibian. If, then, this dualism in feelintellect, but a believer at heart. ing of Jacobi were supported by the philosophic monism of Verrnittelunga-theologen felt tliomselves

rule of the



Ilerbart and by the Erhenntnisztlieorie of Lotze,


safe the

would be, how easy would be their movements, and liow freely would they hunt with criticism to their very hearts' That content, and still engage in praj-er with the pious wife was it. Head and heart, the intellect and the will, must be divorced; Werth-xirtheil was the magic motto which would save from every dilemma. And thus arose that generation of spirposition


amphibians who plunged so playfully into the depths of waters, and again would nimbly scale the river-bank to graze in the sweet clover of tlie hallowed Christian pasture. dualism of principles gives But there was no defense in this. no system. And, moreover, our Christianity is a revealed, historic religion, which at every point of the way inexorably faces us with ideas which demajid analysis and with facts which must itual






in our cosmos.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's

Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 36

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's