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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 186

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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 186

..verzameld ter gelegenheid van haar honderddertigjarig bestaan op 20 oktober 2010 in opdracht van de Historische Commissie Vrije Universiteit

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

promoties wiskunde- en naturwetenschappen 1985-1989

186 19 dec. 30 jan. 6 febr. 27 febr. 27 febr. 17 april 25 april 1 mei 2 mei 23 mei 2 juni 4 juni 4 juni 4 juni 5 juni 12 juni 12 juni 25 juni 25 juni 19 sept. 3 okt. 9 okt. 15 dec. 15 dec. 18 dec. 23 jan. 26 jan. 29 jan. 5 febr. 18 febr. 19 febr. 26 febr. 5 maart 6 maart 13 maart 25 maart 25 mei

Gerritsen, H.C., Dynamic probing of surfaces and thin foils with electrons and X-rays 1986 Kok, W.Th., Electrochemical reaction techniques for detection in HPLC Jenneskens, L.W., Small cyclophanes; aromaticity under strain Boehmer, W.K., Flow to wells in intrusive dikes Boonstra, J., Flow to wells in intrusive dikes Boxel, J.H. van, Heat balance investigations in tidal areas Scheerhagen, M.A., The structure of nucleic acids in the complex with the helix destabilizing protein of bacteriophage T4 Hengeveld, W., Meson-exchange forces and medium polarization in finite nuclei Bruin, A. de, Experiments with continuation semantics Putten, A.J. van, The bacteriocinogenic plasmid Clo DF 13 Stap, C.C.A.H. van der, Experimental studies of meteorites and cosmic dust Blok, H., Core polarisation and configuration mixing in 58 Ni studied by high resolution electron-scattering Herk, A.M. van, Medium effects on axial ligand substitution reactions at vitamin B12 and model compounds Villena, A., Quantitative aspects of intramolecular coordination in organomagnesium compounds Wielink, J.E., Cytochromes in proteus mirabilis and escherichia coli Stam, H., Nitrogen fixation in chemostat-grown Rhizobia Vries, P.J.R. de, Bioassays on water quality using the attached filamentous alga stigeoclonium kütz Bruijn, M.P., Deposition and characterization of multi-layer X-ray reflection coatings Posno, M., Organization and expression of chloroplast ribosomal protein genes in spirodela oligorhiza Nieukerken, E.J. van, Phylogenetic studies on the leaf-mining moth family Nepticudae (Lepidoptera) Penninga, J., Shape coexistance and collective excitations in neuro-deficient even-mass Pb isotopes Ruessink, B.H., N.M.R. of dielectrically oriented molecules Borst, P., Transfinite classifications of weakly infinite-dimensional spaces Gouweloos, M., The quasi deuterom model for low energy pion absorption Witteveen, J., Marine littoral Collembola 1987 Nielen, M.W.F., Selective on-line precolumn sample handling and trace enrichment in liquid chromatography Rademaker, B., The regulation of Beta-adrenoreceptor function Winter, R.F.J. de, The function of the robosomal DNA space in the promotion of rRNA transcription in Xenoppus Laevis Dueck, T.A., Impact of heavy metals and air pollutants on plants Sterk, G.L., Studies on histaminergic compounds El-Baradi, T.T.A.L., RNA-protein interaction in the yeast ribosome Kouw, L.R., Microscopic description of inelastic proton scattering from 88Sr Roozemond, L., Systems of non-normal and first Wiener-Hopf equations Veenstra, A.E., Cis-acting elements for the transcription of the yeast ribosomal RNA genes Woudt, L.P., Regulation of expression of gene families in yeast and neurospora Slaa, P., Telecommunicatie en beleid Heisteeg, B.J.J. van de, Metallacyclobutanen van enkele Hoofdgroepen en Overgangsmetalen. Eigenschappen en Synthese van Metalla-alkenen

04 Promoties 07 WenN.indd 186

26-8-2010 20:54:29

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's

Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 186

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's