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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 124

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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 124

..verzameld ter gelegenheid van haar honderddertigjarig bestaan op 20 oktober 2010 in opdracht van de Historische Commissie Vrije Universiteit

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

124 24 nov. 24 nov. 29 nov. 29 nov. 1 dec. 8 dec. 11 dec. 13 dec. 13 dec. 15 dec. 18 dec.

10 jan. 12 jan. 19 jan. 19 jan. 21 maart 28 maart 30 maart 4 april 6 april 25 april 27 april 18 mei 18 mei 30 mei 1 juni 6 juni 22 juni 22 juni 29 juni 29 juni 7 sept. 14 sept. 21 sept. 26 sept.

promoties geneeskunde 1989-1991

Cock, C.C. de, Riskstratification following myocardial infarction: long term followup Lutjens, A., Nonenzymatic Glyscosylation of fibrinogen (functional consequences) Keizer, H.G., Doxorubicin: mechanisms of toxicity and resistance Oudejans, C.B.M., Transcripsion of homeo box and major histocom patibillity complex class I geness in extraembryo nic tissues Felt - Bersma, R.J.F., Clinical relevance of anorectal function investigations Plassche - Boers, E.M. van de, Defects in cellmediated immunity in chronic purulent rhinosinusitis Gao, Young-Zhong, Experimental saccular aneurysms. Studies on pathogenesisand pathology in rats Schipper, N.W., Image analysis of gynecologic tumors. Quantification of epithelial percentage Voorbij, H.A.M., Dendritic cells and the development of thyroid autoimmune disease and type 1 diabetes mellitus Beekman, R.E., Thyroid state and cystosolic free calcium in rat cardiac myocytes Broek, Th.A.A. van den, Chronische veneuze insufficientie en veneuze reconstructieve chirurgie 1990 Pos, O., Studies on the changes in glycosylation of acutephase glycoproteins during inflammation Bilo, H.J.G., Fish Oil: a Panacaea? Rozemuller - Kwakkel, J.M., Amyloid formation in Alzheimer’s disease. An immunohistochemical study Weissenbruch, M.M. van, Gonadotrophins for induction of ovulation Stam, N.J., Cell biological aspects of MHC class I antigen expression Los, G., Experimental basis of intraperitoneal chemotherapy Lanting, P., Aspects of autonomic neuropathy in Diabetis mellitus Dungen, H.M. van den, LHRH and gonadotropins in rat pubertal development Ossenkoppele, G.J., Differentiation induction in acute myeloid leukemia Haeften, T.W. van, Insulin secretion - Stimulation with arginine and hyperglycemic glucose clamp Slotman, B.J., Rationale for the use of endocrine therapy in ovarian cancer Bronkhorst, A.W., Binaural aspects of speech perception in noise Koerselman, G.F., Integratief medisch denken. Over de psycholopathogeneische reconstructie. Een psychiatrische bijdrage Reijnders, U.J.L., Het geperforeerde ulcus duo-dendi Hogewind, W.F.C., Oral leukoplakia in a Dutch population Waart, M.J. de, Electric activity in the rabbit oviduct. A microsurgical study in the rabit Dillmann, R.J.M., Alzheimer’s Disease. The concept of disease and the construction of medial knowledge Dwars, B.J., Amputation Level Selection Hameleers, D.M.H., Immunology of the upper respiratory tract. Studies on rat nasalassociated tissue (NALT) and human nasal mucosa Rozeman, C.A.M., Terminale nierinsufficientie en het zenuwstelsel. Een gecombineerd neurofysiologisch, neuropsychologisch en klinisch onderzoek bij verschillende dialysepopulaties Martinez, A.R., A test for urinary LH surge detection: clinical reliability and applications Klinkenberg - Knol, W.C., Recent advances in the diagnosis and management of gastrooesophageal reflux disease: the role of omeprazole in clinical practice Kate, T.K. ten, TV microscopical image analysis for accurate DNA quantification in pathology Limpens, C.E.J.M., Immunopotentiation by local administration of cytostatic drugs

04 Promoties 04 GNK.indd 124

26-8-2010 20:52:32

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's

Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 124

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's