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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 239

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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 239

..verzameld ter gelegenheid van haar honderddertigjarig bestaan op 20 oktober 2010 in opdracht van de Historische Commissie Vrije Universiteit

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

239 26 febr. 2 maart 11 maart 20 april 17 juni 24 juni 20 sept. 7 okt. 29 okt. 4 nov. 2 dec.

2 maart 8 maart 5 juli 9 sept. 9 sept. 4 nov. 25 nov. 29 nov. 19 dec. 20 dec. 23 dec. 23 dec.

14 febr. 14 febr. 7 maart 14 maart 16 maart 18 mei 8 juni

Hibbitt, C.J., External environmental disclosure and reporting by large European companies. An economic, social and political analysis of managerial behaviour Gelderen, M.W. van, Opportunity Entry Performance. Studies of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Dekker, M., Risk, Resettlement and Relations: Social Security in Rural Zimbabwe Veelen, C.M. van, Survival of the fair; modelling the evolution of altruism, fairness and morality Mastrogiacomo, M., Retirement, Expectations and Realizations. Essays on the Netherlands and Italy Brummans, A.H., Adoption and diffusion of EDI in multilateral networks of organizations. A study on adoption and diffusion of EDI in the Dutch insurance industry Lijesen, M.G., Home carrier advantages in the airline industry Mosch, R.H.J., The Economic Effects of Trust. Theory and Empirical Evidence Berg, C.C.A van den, The Making of the Statute of the European System of Central Banks. An Application of Checks and Balances Filipovic, N., Strategic Change Management of Medium-Size Companies: Insights from Slovenia and Croatia Bossink, C.J.H., To go or not to go...? International relocation willingness of dual-career couples 2005 Pruzhansky, V., Topics in game theory Anglingkusumo, R., Preparatory Studies for Inflation Targeting in Post Crisis Indonesia Heide, C.M. van der, An Economic Analysis of Nature Policy Longhi, S., Open Regional Labour Markets and Socio-Economic Developments. Studies on Adjustment and Spatial Interaction Kuik, O.J., Climate change policies, international trade and carbon leakage: an applied general equilibrium analysis Kamphorst, J.J.A., Networks and learning Abreu, M.A., Spatial Determinants of Economic Growth and Technology Diffusion Steehouwer, H., Macroeconomic Scenarios and Reality. A Frequency Domain Approach for Analyzing Historical Time Series and Generating Scenarios for the Future Kruk, R. van der, Hedonic Valuation of Dutch Wetlands Boter, J., Market structures in arts and entertainment Sonnaville, H.K.J.M. de, Retorische aspecten van professionaliseren. Een zoektocht naar beroepsvorming bij organisatieadviseurs Rodenburg, C.A., Measuring Benefits of Multifunctional Land Use. Stated Preference Studies on the Amsterdam Zuidas 2006 Gandonou, A.E., Sustainable Land Use and Distance to the Market. Micro Evidence from Northern Benin Linders, G.J.M., Intangible Barriers to Trade. The Impact of Institutions, Culture and Distance on Patterns of Trade Francke, M.K., Marginal likelihood in state-space models. Theory and applications Koetse, M.J., Determinants of Investment Behaviour. Methods and Applications of MetaAnalysis Sparrow, R.A., Health, Education and Economic Crisis. Protecting the Poor in Indonesia Brons, M.R.E., Meta-Analytical Studies in Transport Economics. Methodology and Applications Feldberg, J.F.M., The Influence of Decision Support Systems, Context Effects, and Cognitive Style on Decision Strategy Selection

04 Promoties 09 Economie.indd 239

26-8-2010 20:54:58

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Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's

Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 239

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's