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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 237

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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 237

..verzameld ter gelegenheid van haar honderddertigjarig bestaan op 20 oktober 2010 in opdracht van de Historische Commissie Vrije Universiteit

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

237 10 febr. 6 april 23 mei 23 mei 24 mei 22 juni 13 sept. 19 sept. 26 okt. 31 okt. 19 dec. 6 febr. 7 febr. 2 maart 23 maart 26 april 22 mei 5 juni 19 juni 1 nov. 6 dec.

22 jan. 29 jan. 5 febr. 5 maart 21 maart 9 april 18 april 14 mei 31 mei 3 sept. 12 sept.

Ruijgrok, E.C.M., Valuation of Nature in Coastal Zones Leest, D.J.B. van der, Agree on Intent! The Role of the Agreement of Intent in Multinational Companies Medda, F.R., The Assembled City. Analysis of Multiple Urban Dimensions Pels, A.J.H., Airport economics and policy. Efficiency, competition, and interaction with airlines Klaauw, B. van der, Unemployment Duration Determinants and Policy Evaluation Tieman, A.F., Evolutionary Game Theory and Equilibrium Selection Otto, M.M., Strategisch veranderen in politiek bestuurde organisaties. Politieke pragmatiek en bestuurlijke reflectie Ndoen, M.L., Migrants and Entrepreneurial Activities in Peripheral Indonesia. A Socioeconomic Model of Profit-seeking Behaviour Wesenbeeck, C.F.A., How to deal with Imperfect Competition: introducing game-theoretical concepts in a general equilibrium model of international trade Portrait, F.R.M., Long-Term Care Services for the Dutch Elderly. An Investigation into the Process of Utilization Vleugel, J.M., Design of transport and land-use scenarios. Principles and applications 2001 Mulder, I.F.C., Soil Degradation in Benin: farmers’ perceptions and responses Aluthge, D.C.P., Financial Sector Liberalisation in Sri Lanka: A Macro Level Inquiry into Capital Accumulation, Investment, Growth, and Stability Luginbuhl, R.E., Modeling the Business Cycle in Unobserved Component Time Series Models Using Markov Switching in Growth Beukering, P.J.H. van, Recycling international trade and the environment: an empirical analysis Hoogeveen, J.G.M., Risk and Insurance in Rural Zimbabwe Vlist, A.J. van der, Residential Mobility and Commuting Bijwaard, G.E., Rank Estimation of Duration Models Peek, E., Discretion in financial reporting and properties of analysts’ earnings forecasts Eenennaam, F. van, Market-based strategies in a converging market: A study on marketing standardisation of consumer goods in Western Europe Schuiling, G.J., Persoonlijke ontwikkeling door organisatieontwikkeling. Een verkennende studie 2002 Vuuren, A.P. van, Empirical analysis of job search using novel types of data Arnoldus, D.J.G., Family, Family Firm and Strategy. Six Dutch family firms in the food industry 1880-1970 Boots, N.K., Rare Event Simulation in Models with Heavy-Tailed Random Variables Blonk, H.C van der, Changing the order, ordering the change. Evolution of an information system at Dutch Railways Folpmers, M., Process modeling, control and evaluation. Business process redesign revisited Waal, A.A. de, The role of behavorial factors in the successful implementations and use of performance management systems Kock, U., Social Benefits and the Flow Approach to the Labor Market Sonneveld, B.G.J.S., Land Under Pressure. The impact of water erosion on food production in Ethiopia Graaff, T. de, Migration, Ethnic Minorities and Network Externalities Geneletti, D., Ecological evaluation for environmental impact assessment Bohner, C., Management of the Urban Environment. The DSS-maker’s script

04 Promoties 09 Economie.indd 237

26-8-2010 20:54:58

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Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's

Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 237

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's