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Kleine luyden in ontwikkeling - pagina 335

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Kleine luyden in ontwikkeling - pagina 335

De Vrije Universiteit en de Derde Wereld 1955-2005

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten



zoeken in deze sectie genoemd, zijn niet gefinancierd uit projectfondsen. Selectieonderzoek door projectstaf, o.a.: G. W. Kouwenhoven, ‘The predictive value of cosc-results in the selection of students for the Pre-Entry Science Courses at the University of Botswana’, in: International Journal of Educational Development, vol. 11 (1991), no.1, 55-66. 36. G. D. Thijs e.a. (red.) Learning difficulties and teaching strategies in secondary school science and mathematics (Amsterdam 1987). 37. De werkeenheid ‘basic science’ van de Faculteit Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen aan de vu bestaat uit de projectverantwoordelijken van de ‘basic science’-projecten. 38. J. Kuiper, ‘Ideas of Force’, proefschrift vu (1991); en: P. J. J. M. Dekkers, ‘Making productive use of student conceptions in physics education’, proefschrift vu (1997). Inocente Vasco, Improving students’ understanding of energy, proefschrift vu (1998). 39. C. P. Smit, M. Oosterhout en P. F. J. Wolff, ‘Remedial classroom teaching and computer-assisted learning with science students in Botswana’, in: International. Journal of Educational Development (1996). 40. Project ‘Pre-Entry Science: a Process Analysis’ (1991-1993) resulteert in het boek: Cantrell, Bridging School and University . 41. Thijs, Annette, ‘Supporting science curriculum reform in Botswana: the potential of peer coaching’, proefschrift ut (Enschede 1999). Motswiri, M. J., ‘Supporting chemistry teachers to implement formative assessment of investigative practical work in Botswana’, proefschrift ut (Enschede 2004). 42. Cantrell, Bridging school and university, 209, 211. 43. W. J. Boelman, I. C. M. Maxwell, en P. Kuperus, ‘Nuffic Evaluation Report on the inter-university cooperation between the University of Botswana and Swaziland, National University of Lesotho, Free University Amsterdam 1977-1981’ (Den Haag 1982), 28, 31-32, 35, 46, 66. 44. sida: Swedish International Development Authority/Agency. sida report: Roland Duberg & Alex Gorham, Teacher training and teacher educators in Southern Africa (Stockholm 1983), 29. 45. A. Boeren en A. Hordijk, ‘Partnership in Progress. An evaluation of the link between Free University Amsterdam, Nuffic, National University of Lesotho, University of Botswana, University of Swaziland’ (Den Haag 1987), 32, 34, 38. 46. C. T. A. Ruijter en T. A. Cardoso, ‘Evaluation report of the interuniversity cooperation project on Pre-Entry Science Support (SV/Botswana/ub/ fua/press’ (Den Haag 1991); en: F. de Mink en M. Kibi, ‘Evaluation of the ub/fua/inset-project on In-Service Education and Training for Science and Mathematics Teachers at the University of Botswana, 1992-1996’ (Den Haag 1996).

Kleine luyden in ontwikkeling; Perfect Service; pag 334

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Historische Reeks | 363 Pagina's

Kleine luyden in ontwikkeling - pagina 335

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 2005

Historische Reeks | 363 Pagina's