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Jaarboek 1961-1962 - pagina 156

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Jaarboek 1961-1962 - pagina 156

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Tumours of amphibians. VIII. Transplantation experiments mth the cutaneous fibroma in the toad Bufo bufo japonicus, 343-361. Tumours of amphibians. IX. The inhibitory effect of colchicine upon the cutaneous fibroma in the toad Bufo bufo japonicus, 362-374. D e volgende artikelen in Experientia, 16 (i960): Induction of hepatic cirrhosis in Iguana iguana by }-monohydroxycholanic acid treatment, 507. Changes in the topographical distribution of glycogen in the brain of Iguana iguana in dependence on the environmental temperature, 508. Experientia, / / (1961): Histochemical analysis of three dehydrogenase systems in the renal adenocarcinoma of the frog Rana pipiens, 184. Two types of ribonucleic protein in the nucleolus of intestinal carcinoma in the newt Triturus alpestris following injection of herring sperm deoxyribonucleic acid, 254. Occurrence of giant nuclei and pharynx tumour in the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris, 306. Enr(jmatic activity (three dehydrogenase systems) of the pyaryngeal tumour in the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris, 306. Cholinesterase activity within the renal tissue of Helostoma temmincki, 466-467. D e volgende artikelen in T h e Lancet (1961): Histochemical localisation of ^-glucuronidase in healing wounds of the Iguana, 1411. Meningeal alkaline-phosphatase activity in the keyhole Cichild, 265. Inhibitory effect of the colchicine on transplantable skin tumour, 494. D e volgende artikelen in Nature (London), 190 (1961): Effect of castration on experimental liver lesion in Iguana iguana, 93. Differences in mechanism of staining reaction for mast cells of some lower Vertebrates, 360-361. Pathological parthenogenesis in a viviparous Toothcarp, 507. Diurnal changes in the topographical distribution of glycogen in the brain of Iguana iguana, 751. Muscular dystrophy in the Siamese fighting fisch as an aberration of the connective tissue, 752 Pigment bodies of the spinal neurones of some Teleosts, 924. Histochemical analysis of some dehydrogenase systems in the erythrocytes of some lower Vertebrates, 926-927. D e volgende artikelen in Die Naturwissenschaften, ^7 (i960): The role of the Golgi apparatus in the formation of melanin granules in the malignant cutaneous melanoma of killifish hybrids, 448-449. Die Naturwissenschaften, 48 (1961): Ovarial teratoma caused by pathological parthenogenesis in the viviparous Cyprinodont Heterandria fo'mosa, 167. Action of sodium pyruvate upon nucleated and enucleated fragments of Stentor coeruleus, 398. Enzymatic activity (oxidase and three dehydrogenase systems) of the oval Ms with club-shaped inclusions in the connective tissue of Pterophyllum scalare Cuvier (Cichlidae), 530. H e t volgende artikel in: Acta morphologica Neerlando-Scandinavica (1961), Vol. 4 . :

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1961

Jaarboeken | 188 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1961-1962 - pagina 156

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1961

Jaarboeken | 188 Pagina's