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Jaarboek 1965 - pagina 82

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Jaarboek 1965 - pagina 82

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Promotie de heer Paul G. Hoffman Toespraak promotor (prof. dr. W. J. Wieringa) The Senate of the Free University of course regrets that Dr. HoflFman was not able to come and receive his honorary doctorate in person, and so am I. But he had no choice: as director of the United Nations' Special Fund his presence was required in New York on this very day. This means that he is not here, because his presence there was required for his acting on behalf of promotional activities for the assistance to development countries, which is the very basis on which the honorary doctorate is to be granted. No better excuse could possibly be thought. However, Dr. Hoffman also regrets this meeting of circumstances. At the same time both he and I are pleased that you, Mr. Gibson Parker, were prepared to come here as his representative and to accept the symbols in his stead. The Senate has granted Dr. Hoffman an honorary doctorate on the basis of his excellent services in the area of international financial assistance, in particular with reference to the development countries. This assistance is of very great significance, because it is one of the most important instruments for the establishment of a peaceful worldwide society, based on law and justice which is one of the great tasks of the present age. Concretely this means that some one hundred countries will have to be brought to prosperity by way of accelerated economic growth in order to provide for the wellbeing of their one and one quarter biUion of inhabitants, so that in the future they too shall be able to dwell in the house of international society on equal terms. Dr. Hoffman has for many years given heart and talents to this ideal which is at the same time bitter necessity. He 1 as done this in more than one respect. Reviewed in order of succession in the first place by giving direction to the execution of the Marshallplan as administrator of the Economic Cooperation, giving financial assistance to Europe which had badly fallen behind economically as a result of the war. This was so to speak his trainingcentre for the much more difficult work of assistance to underdeveloped areas of the southern continents. As a U.S.-delegate to the General 80

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 1965

Jaarboeken | 198 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1965 - pagina 82

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 1965

Jaarboeken | 198 Pagina's