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Jaarboek 1971 en 1972 - pagina 87

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Jaarboek 1971 en 1972 - pagina 87

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Il'16- 9-1971

„The Hartree-Fock-Slater model for atoms, molecules and solids". „Practical applications of the HFS model". „Relativistic effects - an introduction". „Relativistic level shifts and electric hyperfine effects". „Optical spectra of molecules - ligand fields". „Various theoretical models for molecules". „Band structure of solids (review of methods and models)". ,,Optical properties of solids". „Comparison of localized- and band-models for solids". „Numerical methods a. Discrete variational methods. b. Sampling schemas for integrals". 7- 9-1971 Prof. dr. P. von Ragué Schleyer, Department of Chemistry, Princeton University, over ,,Quantitative Prediction of Bridgehead Reactivities". 13-10-1971 Prof. dr. H. D. Scharf, Institut fur Org. Chem. van de T.H. Aaken, over „(2 + 2)- and (4 + 2)Cycloadditions of Dichlorovinylenecarbonate to Benzene, Naphthalene and Anthracene". 8-11-1971 Dr. Curt Enzell, Svenska Tobaks Aktiebolaget, Stockholm, over „Mass Spectrometry of Carotenoids". 25-11-1971 Prof. dr. M. Hanack, Universitat des Saarlandes, Saarbriicken, over „Vinyl Cations in Solvolysis". 9- 2-1972 Mr. M. A. Sim, over „Current awareness service voor Org.-chemische literatuur van UKCIS te Nothingham, waarmee substructure profiles gezocht kunnen worden". 6- 3-1972 Prof. dr. G. L. Closs, University of Chicago, over „Pyrolysis of Cyclopropenes". 24- 4-1972 Prof. dr. W. Lwowski, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, over „Carbonylnitrenes: Decomposition and Intersystem Crossing". 29- 5-1972 Prof. dr. T. Nozoe te Tokyo, over „The synthesis of Azulenes from Troponoïd and related Compounds".



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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 1971

Jaarboeken | 360 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1971 en 1972 - pagina 87

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 1971

Jaarboeken | 360 Pagina's