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Jaarboek 1971 en 1972 - pagina 187

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Jaarboek 1971 en 1972 - pagina 187

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G R O O T , dr. G. N . D E Regulation of reductase formation in Proteus mirabilis; diss., 1971. GROOT, dr. G. N . D E en prof. dr. A. H. STOUTHAMER Regulation of reductase formation in Proteus mirabilis. Ill Influence of oxygen nitrate and azide on thiosulfate reductase and tetrathionate reductase formation. In: Arch. Mikrobiol., 74 (1970), biz. 326-339. Regulation of reductase formation in Proteus mirabilis. IV. Influence of different growth conditions on the formation of various electron transport enzymes in a chlorate resistant mutant. In: Arch. Mikrobiol., 74 (1970), biz. 340-349. HARTINGSVELDT, drs. J. VAN, dr. M. G. M A R I N U S en prof. dr. A. H. STOUTHAMER Mutants of Pseudomonas aerugenosa blocked nitrate and nitrite dissimilation. In: Genetics, 67 (1971), biz. 469-482. SCHULP, drs. J. A. en prof. dr. A. H. STOUTHAMER The influence of oxygen, glucose and nitrate upon the formation of nitrate reductase and the respiratory system in Bacillus licheniformis. In: J. Gen. Microbiol., 64 (1970), biz. 195-203. STOUTHAMER, prof. dr. A. H. Evolutie van de prokaryoten. In: Geloof en Wetenschap, ffS (1970), biz. 217-231. STOUTHAMER, prof. dr. A. H. en mej. C. W. BETTENHAUSSEN Mapping of a gene causing resistance to chlorate in Salmonella typhimurium. In: Ant. van Leeuwenhoek, 36 (igyo), biz. 555-565. Influence of hydrogen acceptors on growth and energy production of Proteus mirabilis. In: Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 38 (1972), biz. 81-90. VRIES, mej. dr. W. DE, mej. W. M. C. KAPTEYN, drs. E. G. VAN DER BEEK en prof. dr. A. H. STOUTHAMER Molar growth yields and fermentation balances of Lactobacillus casei L3 in batch cultures and in continuous cultures. In: J. Gen. Microbiol., 63 (1970), biz. 333-345. Plantenfysiologie F O K K E M A , drs. N . J. Influence of pollen on saprophytic and pathogenic fungi on rye leaves. In: Preece, T.F. & Dickinson, C.H. (Eds): Ecology of leaf surface micro-organisms. Academic Press, London (1971), biz. 227-282. GERBRANDY, drs. SJ. J. en dr. J. D . VERLEUR Phosphorylase isoenzymes: Localization and occurrence in diflerent plant organs in relation to starch metabolism. In: Phytochem., 10 (1971), biz. 261-266. 185

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 1971

Jaarboeken | 360 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1971 en 1972 - pagina 187

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 1971

Jaarboeken | 360 Pagina's