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Jaarboek 1972-1973 - pagina 104

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Jaarboek 1972-1973 - pagina 104

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HEIJLMAN, J. en P. A. R O U K E M A Activity of calf-brain sialidase on sialoglycoproteins and sialoglycopeptides. In: Abstr. Communie. Meet. FEBS 5(1972), biz. 1077. HEIJLMAN, J. Voorkomen en werking van sialidase in hersenen. Diss. V.U., Amsterdam, 1973. 75 biz. HEIJLMAN, J. en P. A. R O U K E M A The action of brain sialidase on sialoglycopeptides compared to its action on gangliosides. In: Abstracts Communie. XI Jornadas Bioquimicas Latinas, (1973) Abstr. No. C 75, Salamanca, Spain. N I E U W A M E R O N G E N , A. VAN, D. H. VAN DEN EIJNDEN, J. HEIJLMAN, P. A. ROUKEMA Isolation atid characterization of a soluble glucose-containing sialoglycoprotein from the cortical grey matter of calf brain. In: J. Neurochem. ig (1972) 2195-2205. NIEUW A M E R O N G E N , A. VAN, P. A. R O U K E M A Physico-chemical characteristics and regional distribution studies of GP-350, a soluble sialoglycoprotein from brain. In: J. Neurochem. 21 (1973) 125-136. N I E U W A M E R O N G E N , A. VAN, D . H. VAN D E N EIJNDEN, J. HEIJLMAN Characteristics of a soluble sialoglycoprotein from the cortical grey matter of calf brain. In: Abstr. Commun. Meet Fed. Eur. Biochem. Soc. 8 (1972) Amsterdam. Abstr. No. 1076 N I E U W A M E R O N G E N , A. VAN Brain-specific soluble sialoglycoprotein. In: Proteins of the Nervous System (Editors: D. Schneider, R. H. Angeletti, R. Bradshaw and B. W. Moore) (1973) biz. 22-24, Raven Press, New York. NIEUW A M E R O N G E N , A. VAN, P. A. R O U K E M A , D . H. VAN D E N EIJNDEN, J. HEIJLMAN Characteristics and cellular localization of GP-350, a sialoglycoprotein isolated from calf brain. In: Abstr. 4th Int. Meet. I.S.N. Tokyo (1973), Abstr. No. 112. EIJNDEN, D . H. VAN D E N , L. MEEMS, P. A. R O U K E M A The regional distribution of cylidine-S'-monophospho-N-acetylneuraminic calf brain. In: J. Neurochem. 19; (1972) 1649-1658.

acid synthetase in

O E M R A W S I N G H , I en P. A. R O U K E M A Composition, properties and localization of high-molecular secretion sialoglycoprotein of human submandibular salivary glands. In: Abstracts 8th FEBS-Meeting, Amsterdam, (22-25 Aug. 1972), Abstract no. 1075. 102

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1972

Jaarboeken | 216 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1972-1973 - pagina 104

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1972

Jaarboeken | 216 Pagina's