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Jaarboek 1972-1973 - pagina 101

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Jaarboek 1972-1973 - pagina 101

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REITSMA, dr. W. Formation of new capillaries in hypertrophic skeletal muscle. In: Angiology, 24, i (1973), biz. 45-57. ROZENDAL, dr. R. H. Met dr. ir. N. H. Molen, arts: The relevancy of the concept of „shunt" and „spurt" muscles in Functional Anatomy In: Acta Morphol. Neerl -Scand , 10 (1972), biz 347. Ergomics of the normal gait. I n : Proc. ist Int. Congress on Proth. Techn. and Funct. Rehab., Wicn, vol. / / / , 117 (1973). Met drs. H. M. van Strien: Evaluation of an Experimental Teaching Program In Anatomy. In: Acta Morphol. Neerl.-Scand., g (1971/1972), biz. 372. Met drs. H. M. van Strien: Evaluatie van een onderwijsexperiment in de Anatomie. In: Ned. Tschr. v. Geneesk., /J6'(1972), biz. 1970 en 1971. WOUDE, drs. G. J. VAN D E R Met dr. C. J. van Nie: Pigmentation and Autonomic Nervous System in the Himalayan Rabbit. In: Proc. Third European Anatomical Congress, Manchester, England (1973), biz. 152. Antropogenetisch Instituut ERIKSSON, prof. dr. A. W. Screening for haemoglobin and lactate dehydrogenase variants in the Icelandic, Swedish, Finnish, Lappish, Marl and Greenland Eskimo populations. In: Hum. Hered. 1972: 22: 372-379 Genetic marker systems in Arctic populations. II Polymorphism of C3 in Finnish Lapps. In: Hum. Hered. 1972: 22: 481-487. Aktivierung der Glutathionreductase roter Blutzellen mit Flavin-Adenin-Dinucleotid (FAD). In: Klin. Wschr. 1972: 50: 462-466. The HL-A system in the Skolt Lapp population. In: Proc. of the 5th Int. Histocompatibility Workshop Conference, Evian (1972), and In: Monogr. Histocompatibility Testing (1972), Munksgaard, Copenhagen, biz. 85-92. UNESCO export panel on project No. 12: Interactions between environmental transformations and genetic and demographic changes in the Programme on Man and Biosphere (.MAB), Paris, May 23-25, igy2. In: MAB report ser. 1972, No. 4, final report. Differences in the twinning trends between Finns and Swedes. In: Amer. J. hum. Genet. (1973): 25: 141-151. Isoniazid inactivation in Finns and Lapps as demonstrated by various methods. In: Amer. Rev. resp. Dis. 1973: 108: 375-378. Human twinning in and around the Aland Islands. In: Comment. Biol. 1973: Suppl. 64, 159. en In: Tvillingsfödselfrekvensen pa Aland och 1 dess omgivningar Skr. Alands Kulturstift. VIII, Mariehamn (1973), biz. 159 + IV biz. The cornea at northern latitudes corneal power, arcus senilis and corneal scars in Eskomos, Lapps and Finns. In: Canad. J. Ophthal. (1973): 8: 280-285.


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1972

Jaarboeken | 216 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1972-1973 - pagina 101

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1972

Jaarboeken | 216 Pagina's