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Jaarboek 1974-1975 - pagina 136

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Jaarboek 1974-1975 - pagina 136

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Dr. J. G. Streefkerk, Dr. M. van der Ploeg and Nel Kors Some aspects of immunohistoperoxidase reactions in the agarose bead model system; in: Ann. New York Ac. Sc. 254 (1975), pp. 212-222. Dr. J. G. Streefkerk and Dr. A. M. Deelder Serodiagnostic application of immunohistoperoxidase reactions agarose beads; in: J. Immunol. Methods 7 (1975), pp. 225-236.



Dr. A. M. Deelder and Dr. J. G. Streefkerk Schistosoma mansoni: immunohistoperoxidase procedure in defined antigen substrate spheres (DASS) system as serologic field test; in: Exp. Parasitol. 37 (1975). pp. 405-410. Drs. G. A. Kool Het effekt van cyclofosfamide op de primaire humorale immuunrespons: Academisch Proefschrift; Meppel, Krips Repro, 1975, 136 pp. Dr. N. van Rooijen Mechanism of follicular antigen trapping. Evidence for a two cell mechanism using double isotope autoradiography. Immunology. 22 (1974), pp. 617-622. A comparative study on the uptake in vitro of •'H-thymidine, ^••'iI-5-iodo-2"-deoxyuridine and ^H-deoxycytidine in mouse spleen cells using double isotope autoradiography. J. Immunol. Methods, 8 (1975), pp. 151-158. Immune complexes in the spleen. The difference between competitive inhibition of immune complex trapping in spleen follicles and inhibition by paratyphoid vaccine. Immunology, 28 (1975), pp. 1155-1163. Vakgroep dermatologie Dr. G. L. Kalsbeek, Drs. P. de Haan en Me]. B. T. L. Honing Demonstration of drug hypersensitivity: I Hemagglutination and immunofluorescence of erythrocytes. Abstracts, Symposia and Communications of the i6th Dutch Federative Meeting of Medical-Biological Soc. (1975), pp. 243. Dr. G. L. Kalsbeek Lichen ruber planus van het mondslijmvlies in: Het Medisch Jaar 1975; Utrecht, Oosthoek, Scheltema en Holkema (1975), pp. 415-421. Drs. D. M. Cutaneous peroxidase Federative

Boorsma, Drs. C. Nieboer en Dr. G. L. Kalsbeek immunohistochemistry: comparison of immuno-fluorescence and immunotechniques. Abstracts, Symposia and Communications of the 16th Dutch Meeting of Medical-Biological Soc. (1975), pp. 168.

Drs. D. M. Boorsma en Dr. G. L. Kalsbeek A comparative study of horseradish peroxidase conjugate prepared with a one-step and a two-step method. J. Histochem. and Cytochem. 23 (1975), pp. 200-207.


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1974

Jaarboeken | 226 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1974-1975 - pagina 136

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1974

Jaarboeken | 226 Pagina's