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Jaarboek 1974-1975 - pagina 153

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Jaarboek 1974-1975 - pagina 153

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Mathematical operations on biological signals; in: Aspects of T. Eskes, ed.. Excerpta Medica (1975), pp. 365-383.



J. S. Duislerhout, J. H. van Beinmel and C. A. Distelbrink Modularity in VCG/ECG processing systems. Proc. ist Int. Conf. on Electrocardiology, Advances in Cardiology 16 (1975). Estimation of biological signal parameters. Signal analysis and pattern recognition in bio-medical engineering. Wiley (1975), pp. 63-92. A. Hasnian and R. T. Groolhedde CaS04 (Dy) thermolunescent dosimeters for the determination of gonadal doses. Acta Radiologica, vol. 14 (1975). pp. 369-375. A. Hasman and R. T. Groothedde A computer system for data-processing of static and dynamic gamma-camera studies. Proc. of the Conf. on Comp. Appl. in Radiology, Las Vegas (1975). F. Schutte en J. E. Poot Post-academisch technisch onderwijs (PATO); in: De Ingenieur 87 (1975), pp. 619-622. Vakgroep medische microbiotogie en parasitologic Mw. Drs. A.M. J. J. van Vught en Dr. J. de Graaf f Mutants of Citrobacter freundii with an altered sensitivity to colicin A ; in: Genen Phaenen 17 (1974). pp. 153-156. Mw. Drs. A. M. J. J. van Vught, Dr. J. de Graaff en Prof. dr. A. H. Stoulhanier Localization and phenotypic expression of a Tol marker in Citrobacter freundii; in: Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 40 (1974). pp. 591-599. Mw. Drs. A. M. J. J. van Vught, Dr. J. de Graaff en Prof. dr. A. H. Stouthainer A genetic study of tolerance and resistance to colicin A in Citrobacter freundii; in; Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 41 (1975), pp. 309-318. Drs. F. Namavar, Dr. J. de Graaff, Dr. J. Veldhuizen en Dr. J. Verhoef Virulence of Staphylococci in neonatal mice; in: Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 41 (1975), p. 2 11.

Mw. C. C. M. Brussaard-Wiist, Drs. J. F. Sluiters en Mw. Dr. E. A. Meuleman Host-parasite interrelationships between Trichobilharzia ocellata and Lymnaea stagnalis. Effects of exposure to different numbers of miracidia. Proc. Ann. Meeting Neth. Soc. Parasit. (1974). Poster Session; in: Trop. Geogr. Med. 27 (1975), p. 227. A. J. Fluks, J. E. M. Scheerhoom en Mw. Dr. E. A. Meuleman The fine structure of the nervous system in the miracidium of Schistosoma mansoni. Proc. Ann. Meeting Neth. Soc. Parasit. (1974), Poster Session; in: Trop. Geogr. Med. 27 (1975), PP- 227-228. 151

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1974

Jaarboeken | 226 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1974-1975 - pagina 153

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1974

Jaarboeken | 226 Pagina's