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Jaarboek 1975-1976 - pagina 198

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Jaarboek 1975-1976 - pagina 198

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J. Zaagsma en L. Meems Influence of protein binding on specific and nonspecific properties of j3-adrenergic blocking agents; in: /3-Adrenoceptor Blocking Agents. T h e Pharmacological Basis of Clinical Use, P. R. Saxena en R. P. Forsyth, Eds., Amsterdam, Oxford, North-Holland Publishing Company (1976), pp. 357-367. Vakgroep fysische chemie / . P. van Dieren, B. G. W. Kaars, Prof. dr. ]. M. Los en Dr. B. J. C. Wetsema Pulse polarography VIII. A new digital to analog pulse polarography; in: Journal Electroanalytical and Interfacial Chemistry 68 (1976), pp. 129-137. Dr. B. J. C. Wetsema, Drs. H. J. M. Mom en Prof. dr. J. M. Los Pulse polarography IX. Proton diffusion in aqueous sulphate solution; in: Journal Electroanalytical and Interfacial Chemistry 68 (1976), pp. 139-147. Dr. G. Somsen, Dr. C. de Visser en E. van Netten Enthalpies and entropies of transfer of Rubidium chloride from water t o aqueous N-N-dimethylformamide solutions. Electrochimica Acta, 21 (1976), 97. Dr. G. Somsen en Drs. W. J. M. Heuvelsland Hydrophobic hydration in mixtures of N,N-dimethylformamide and water. Enthalpies of solution and heat capacities of tetra-n-butylammonium bromide. J. Chem. Thermodynamics 8 (1976), 873. Dr. C. de Visser, Prof. dr. J. E. Desnoyers, G. Perron en P. Picker Re-examination of the Heat Capacities obtained by Flow Microcalorimetry Recommendations for the Use of a Chemical Standard. J. Solution Chem. 5 (1976), 605. C. A. de Lange The ring-puckering vibrations of 1,3-dioxolane J. Magn. Resonance 21 (1976), 37.

studied by nematic phase N M R .

G. J. den Otter and C. MacLean ^^C satellites in the ^"F spectra of cis- and trans-1,2-difluoroethene partially oriented in nematic solvents. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 20 (1975), 11. G. J. den Otter and C. MacLean An N M R investigation of some benzoic acids partially oriented in nematic solvents. Journal of Molecular Structure, 31 (1976), 57. G. J. den Otter and C. MacLean N M R spectra of 1,2,3.5-tetrafluorobenzene, pentafluorobenzene and hexafluorobenzene in nematic solvents: molecular geometries and anisotropics of the indirect fluorinefluorine couplings. Journal of Molecular Structure, 31 (1976), 47. H. W. Vos, C. MacLean and N. H. Velthorst Structure of contact ion pairs in the ground and first excited states. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions II, 72 (1976), 63. 196

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 januari 1975

Jaarboeken | 252 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1975-1976 - pagina 198

Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 januari 1975

Jaarboeken | 252 Pagina's