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Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 203

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Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 203

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

SUBFACULTEIT DER WISKUNDE Dr. K. R. Apt en Prof. dr. J. W. de Bakker (eds.) Foundations of Computer Science II, parts i, 2, Mathematical Centre Tracts 81, 82, Mathematisch Centrum (1977). Prof. dr. J. W. de Bakker Semantics and the foundations of program proving; in: Proc. IFIP Congress 77 (B. Gilchrist, ed.), North-Holland (1977), pp. 279-284. Recursive programs as predicate transformers; in: Proc. IFIP TC 2 Working Conference on Formal Description of Programming Concepts (E. Neuhold, ed.), North-Holland (1977). PP- 7-1-7-15-

Semantics of infinite processes using generalized trees; in: Proc. 6th Symp. Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (J. Gruska, ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science J 3, Springer (1977), pp. 240-246. Prof. dr. J. W. de Bakker met Dr. K. R. Apt Semantics and proof theory of PASCAL procedures; in: Proc. 4th Coll. Automata, Languages and Programming (A. Salomaa, ed.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 52, Springer (1977), pp. 30-44. Dr. H. Bart, Prof. dr. I. Gohberg en Prof. dr. M. A. Kaashoek A new characteristic operator function connected with operator polynomials. Wiskundig Seminarium der Vrije Universiteit, Rapport nr. 62 (1977). Dr. H. Bart, Prof. dr. M. A. Kaashoek en Prof. dr. D. C. Lay The stability number of sums and products of meromorphic operator functions. University of Maryland, Technical Report, TR-76-39 (1976). P. Groeneboom en J. Oosterhoff Bahadur efficiency and probabilities of large deviations; in: Statistica Neerlandica 31 (1977). PP- 1-24-

P. Groeneboom, J. Oosterhoff en F. H. Ruymgaart Large deviation theorems for emperical probability measures, rapport SW49/76, Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam (1976), 43 pp. R. Helmers, J. Oosterhoff, F. H. Ruymgaart en M. C. A. van Zuylen Asymptotische methoden in de toetsingstheorie, M. C. Syllabus 22, Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam (1976), 164 pp. Drs. P. G. Kluit On the normalizer of To (N); in: Modular Functions of one Variable V Proceedings of the International Conference, Bonn 1976, pp. 239-246, Lecture notes in Mathematics 601, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Springer 1977. 203

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1976

Jaarboeken | 270 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 203

Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1976

Jaarboeken | 270 Pagina's