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Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 169

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Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 169

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

A. J. Drake, M. I. M. Noble en G. C. van den Bos The effect of changes in arterial PCO2 in myocardial blood flow, oxygen consumption and mechanical performance; in: Europ. J. Clin. Invest. 7 (1977) p. 236. The effect of changes in arterial PCOj on myocardial blood flow, oxygen consumption and mechanical performance; in: J. Physiol. 266 (1977), pp. 4J-46. G. Elzinga en E. E. van der Wall Perfusion of the heart with and without red cells; in: Abstr. i8e Fed. Verg. Med. Biol. Ver., Leiden 1977, p. 196. G. Elzinga en N. Westerhof How does a change in end-diastolic volume alter pumping ability of the left heart? in: J. Physiol. 266 (1977), pp. 46-47R. M. Huisman, G. Elzinga, P. Sipkema en N. Westerhof The effects of shortening on the measurement of left ventricular wall force; in: Abstr. i8e Fed. Verg. Med. Biol. Ver., Leiden 1977, p. 240. M. Kiewiet de Jonge, G. Elzinga en G. C. van den Bos Regional myocardial blood flow immediately following coronary obstruction; in: Abstr. i8e Fed. Verg. Med. Biol. Ver., Leiden 1977, p. 257. Swamy Laxminarayan, A. J. G. Spoelstra, P. Sipkema en N. Westerhof Digital filtering of transpulmonary pressure in lung compliance studies; in: Abstr. i8e Fed. Verg. Med. Biol. Ver., Leiden 1977, p. 277. ƒ. C. H. van Schaik, S. B. Sampurno, P. Sipkema en N. Westerhof Pressure-flow relations in narrow collapsoble tubes; Progress Report Fysiologisch Laboratorium FUPREP nr. 7701 (1977), 21 pp. P. G. A. Versteeg, G. Elzinga, S. B. Sampurno, P. Sipkema en J. Stubbs Cardiac output response to different types of workload in normal dogs and dogs with chronic cardiac denervation; in: Abstr. i8e Fed. Verg. Med. Biol. Ber., Leiden 1977, p. 408.

N. Westerhof, G. Elzinga, P. Sipkema en G. C. van den Bos Quantitative analysis of the arterial system and heart by means of pressure-flow relations; in: N. H. C. Hwang en N. A. Normann (eds.). Cardiovascular flow dynamics and measurements, Baltimore, University Park Press, 1977, ch. 11, pp. 403-438. 169

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1976

Jaarboeken | 270 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 169

Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1976

Jaarboeken | 270 Pagina's