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Jaarboek 1977-1978 - pagina 236

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Jaarboek 1977-1978 - pagina 236

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Dr. H. Duller, Dr. J. L. van der Baan, Dr. E. Hochuli, Dr. Z. Kis, Dr. K. E. Taylor Prof. dr. V. Prelog Dihydroxyacetone reductase from Mucor Javanicus I. Isolation and properties; in: Eur. J. Biochem., 75 (1977), pp. 423-432. Dr. H. J. Eggelte, Prof. dr. F. Bickelhaupt Synthetic studies related to 1,4-dithiocin; in: Tetrahedron 33, (1977), pp. 2151-2156. E. A. I. M. Evers, A. J. Noest, Dr. O. S. Akkerman Deconvolution of composite metastable transitions ocurring in the first field region; in: Organic Mass Spectrometry, 12 (1977), p. 419Drs. F. J. M. Freijee, G. Schat, Drs. R. Mierop, Dr. C. Blomberg, Prof. dr. F. i-Oxa-2-magnesiocyclohexane; in: Heterocycles, 7, (1977), p. 237.



Drs. F. A. Hartog The Barbier reaction; Proefschrift Vrije Universiteit, 1978. Dr. J. Japenga, Dr. G. W. Klumpp, Drs. J. Stapersma The bromination of bicycio (3.2.1) octa-2,6-diene with N-bromosuccinimide; in: Tetrahedron, 33, (1977), p. 2849. Dr. J. Japenga, Dr. G. W. Klumpp, Dr. M. Schakel Mechanisms of thermal rearrangements of bicycio (3.2.1) octa-2,é-dienes; steric effects as a tool to distinguish between competing pericyclic and diradical processes; in: Tetrahedron Letters, (1978), p. 1869. Dr. C. Jongsma, Drs. J. J. de Kok, Dr. R. J. M. Weustink, J. Bulthuis, Prof. dr. F. Bickelhaupt Stibatriptycene; in: Tetrahedron 33, (1977), p. 205.

Dr. M. van der Ley, Dr.

Drs. Th. C. Klebach, Drs. L. A. M. Turkenburg, Prof. dr. F. Bickelhaupt Compounds containing localized carbon-phosphorus double bonds I. Diels-Alder reaction of 3-methyl-2-phosphanaphthalene with hexafluorobutyn-2; in Tetrahedron Letters, (1978), p . 1099.

Drs. Th. C. Klebach, R. Lourens, Prof. dr. F. Bickelhaupt Synthesis of P-mesityldiphenylmethylenephosphine: a stable compound with a localized P = C bond; in: I. Am. Chem. S o c , 100 (1978), p. 4886. Drs. J. P. de Kleyn. Drs. J. W. Seetz, J. W. Zawierko, Dr. B. van Zanten Labelling with reactor-produced '"F. III. Polymer supported "*F as a fluorinating agent; in: Int. J. Applied Rad. Isot., 28, (1977), pp. 591-594. Drs. ]. P. de Kleyn, R. F. Adriaansz, Dr. B. van Zanten Labelling with reactor-produced fluorine-i8. II. Tetraethyl-ammonium as a fluorinating agent; in: Radioanal. Letters, (1977), pp. 257-262.



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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1977

Jaarboeken | 296 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1977-1978 - pagina 236

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1977

Jaarboeken | 296 Pagina's