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Jaarboek 1977-1978 - pagina 216

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Jaarboek 1977-1978 - pagina 216

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Dr. W. Gaastra, G. Koopmans, Dr. F. K. de Graaf Circular dichroism and structure-function relationships in cloacin DFi3-immunity protein complex; in Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 80 (1978), pp. 97-103. Dr. W. Gaastra, Drs. B. Oudega, Dr. F. K. de Graaf The uso of mutants in the study of structure-function relationships in cloacin D P 13; in: Biochim. Biophys. Acta 540 (1978), pp. 301-312. Drs. K. J. Hellingwerf*, Drs. J. J. Schuurmans, Drs. H. V. Westerhoff*, (* Univ. Amsterdam) Demonstration of coupling between the protonmotive force across bacteriorhodopsin and the flow through its photochemical cycle. F.E.B.S. Letters 92 (1978), pp. 181-186. ƒ. ƒ. B. Herczog, Dr. W. de Vries, J. H. M. Wöltgens Influence of ethane -i-hydroxy-1,1- diphosphonate on anaerobic growth and acid formation by Streptococcus mutans; in: Caries Research 11 (1977), pp. 90-94. Drs. Y. M. de Klerk-Kiebert, H. Schat Changes in CN-resistant and CN-sensitive respiration during growth of soybean and convolvulus cells in suspension culture; in: Proceedings International Symposium on Plant Mitochondria, Marseille, G. Ducet and C. Lance eds., Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, pp. 8. Dr. A. J. Kool Transformatie; Een molekulair-biologische methode voor de genetische van planten; in: Vakbl. Biol. 57 (1977), pp. 363-367.


Dr. A. J. Kool, Drs. L. E. Pelcher D N A binding and uptake by cultured plant cells and protoplasts: An autoradiography study; Fourth Intern. Congress of Plant Tissue and Cell culture: Book of Abstracts (1978), p. 48. Prof. dr. R. Kraayenhof Energy-linked change of electrical surface charges on the membrane and on the ATPase molecule of chloroplasts; in: Structure and function of energy-transducing membranes (K. van D a m and B. F. van Gelder, eds.), Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam, 1977, pp. 223-236. The light-induced structural rearrangements in the thylakoid membrane and in the ATPase detected by covalent fluorescent labels; Abstr. 4th Int. Congr. on Photosynthesis, Reading, Eng., sept. 1977, p. 204. Prof. dr. R. Kraayenhoff, Drs. J. J. Schuurmans, Dr. R. P. Casey Light-induced surface and bulk membrane potentials in spinach chloroplasts; Abstr. 12th F.E.B.S. meeting, Dresden, July 1978, nr. 1807. 214

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1977

Jaarboeken | 296 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1977-1978 - pagina 216

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1977

Jaarboeken | 296 Pagina's