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Jaarboek 1977-1978 - pagina 219

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Jaarboek 1977-1978 - pagina 219

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Dr. E. Veltkamp, Drs. P. van den Elzen, Drs. A. R. Stuitje In vitro constructed Clo DF13 deletion mutants as a tool to study the genetic organisation the Clo DF13 plasmid; Lunteren Lectures on Molecular Genetics, (1977), p. 18.

Dr. J. D. Verleur, Drs. Y. M. de Klerk-Kiebert Changes in mitochondrial properties during growth of soybean cells in suspension culture: Cyanide-resistant respiration; in: Abstracts 4th Internat. Congress of Plant Tissue and Cell Culture, Aug. 1978, Galgary, Canada, p. 175. Drs. H. W. van Verseveld, Prof. dr. A. H. Stouthamer Electron transport chain and coupled phosphorylation in methonal-grown Paracoccus denitrificans; in: Arch. Microbiol. 118 (1978), pp. 13-20. Growth yields and the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation during autotrophic growth of Paracoccus denitrificans on methanol and formate; in: Arch Microbiol. 118 (1978), pp. 21-26.

Dr. W. de Vries, Mevr. T. R. M. Rietveld-Struijk, Prof. dr. A. H. Stouthamer ATP formation associated with fumarate and nitrate reduction in growing cultures of Veillonella alcalescens; in: Ant. van Leeuwenhoek 43 (1977), pp. 153-167. J. H. M. Woltgens, Th. J. M. Bervoets, Dr. W. de Vries Influence of diphosphonates on pyrophosphatase activity in Streptococcus mutants; in: J. Periodontal Res. 12 (1977), pp. 462-466.

Vakgroep plantensystematiek en oecologie van lagere planten Drs. A. J. Dop Systematics and morphology of Chrysochaete brittannica (Godward) Rosenberg and Phaeoplaca thallosa Chodat (Chrysophyceae); in: Acta Botanica Neerlandica 27, 1978, pp. 2J-50. Drs. J. H. letswaart Enige ideeën over de toekomst van de botanische tuinen in Nederland; in: Vakblad voor Biologen 14, 1976, pp. 217-218. Some results of a taxonomie revision of the genus Origanum L. (Labiatae); in: Acta Botanica Neerlandica 27, 1978, pp. 144-145. Biosystematisch onderzoek aan Ranunculus auricomus; in: Danseria 13, 1978, pp. 40-43. Drs. H. Stegenga The comparative life-histories op Rhodochorton purpureum and Rhodochorton floridulum (Rhodophyta, Nemaliales) in culture; in: British Phycological Journal 13, 1978, pp. 279-289. 217

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1977

Jaarboeken | 296 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1977-1978 - pagina 219

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1977

Jaarboeken | 296 Pagina's