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Jaarboek 1985-1986 - pagina 73

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Jaarboek 1985-1986 - pagina 73

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Dankwoord van dr. J.P. Horder

For me this is a unique occasion and a quite exceptional honour. It is an exceptional honour, because it is in another country because it is in this country and this city. A country, whose history is completely intertwined with the history of my own and whose very rich traditions and those of my own country are so similar. And their traditions particularly rich in things wich are very close to my own main interests and loves. In medicine there is no country, particularly in my part of the medical profession, with which my own colleagues feel so close. It is an exceptional honour to me also because the ideals of this university are reflected, have been reflected in the ideals of my own forbears; my grandfather was a minister in a protestant church. I think that perhaps Professor Dijk wil forgive me if I say that there were only three words which I could understand in his excellent lecture ... to my shame. Two of them were: Albert Schweitzer. The third I will leave you to guess, it came very close to those two. Albert Schweitzer has been livelong for me an inspiration, since my mother read to me about him when I was ill, when I was about the age of 9. I realize that honorary degrees in this university are only given every five years. And that therefore for that reason, which is different from my country, this is a very rare honour. Of course in addition to being an honour it is a very great pleasure and nothing contributes more to that than the fact that my sponsor is Professor Van Es, Jan, with whom I have worked for many years, in many places, and who was long ago made a honorary fellow of the college, the Royal College of General Practitioners in the United Kingdom, which he mentioned. I of course accept this great honour for myself, my wife and my children. But I would like to think that it is given in part to my country, the presence of whose ambassador is a particular honour to me and a great joy. It is given in part to that segment of the medical profession to which I belong, and particularly to the doctors who work in that way in this country. And that it perhaps refers a little particularly to that small group of doctors, who first met at the Leeuwenhorst Conference Centre, who came from eleven European countries and I am delighted to say that three of them were from the other side of the Iron Curtain, and that was a most wonderful experience to take part in that group. Rector, may I thank you and may I ask you to thank the Board of Deans. Jan, may I thank you from my heart.


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1985

Jaarboeken | 184 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1985-1986 - pagina 73

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1985

Jaarboeken | 184 Pagina's