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Bekijk het origineel

Jaarboek 1985-1986 - pagina 179

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Jaarboek 1985-1986 - pagina 179

1 minuut leestijd Arcering uitzetten

25- 4-86 M.A. Scheerhagen

The structure of nucleic acids in the complex with the helix destabilizing protein of bacteriophage T4

1- 5-86 W. Hengeveld

Meson-exchange forces and medium polarization in finite nuclei

2- 5-86 A. de Bruin

Experiments with continuation semantics

23- 5-86 A.J. van Putten

The bacteriocinogenic plasmid Clo DF 13

2- 6-86 C.C.A.H. van der Stap

Experimental studies of meteorites and cosmic dust

4- 6-86 H. Blok

Core polarisation and configuration mixing in 58 Ni studied by high resolution electronscattering

4- 6-86 A. Villena

Quantitative aspects of intramolecular coordination in organomagnesium compounds

4- 6-86 A.M. van Herk

Medium effects on axial ligand substitution reactions at vitamin B12 and model compounds

5- 6-86 J.E. van Wielink

Cytochromes in proteus mirabilis and escherichia coh

12- 6-86 H. Stam

Nitrogen Rhizobia




12- 6-86 P.J.R. de Vries

Bioassays on water quality using the attached filamentous alga stigeoclonium kütz

25- 6-86 M. Posno

Organization and expression of chloroplast ribosomal protein genes in spirodela oligorhiza

25- 6-86 M.P. Bruijn

Deposition and characterization of multilayer X-ray reflection coatings


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1985

Jaarboeken | 184 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1985-1986 - pagina 179

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1985

Jaarboeken | 184 Pagina's