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Jaarboek 1989-1990 - pagina 151

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Jaarboek 1989-1990 - pagina 151

1 minuut leestijd Arcering uitzetten

16-05-90 Glabbeek van, R.J.

Comparative Concurrency Semantics and Refinement of Actions

17-05-90 Wieringa, R.J.

Algebraic Foundations for Dynamic Conceptual Models

28-05-90 Groot de, J.A.M.

On Topological and Linear Equivalence of certain Function Spaces

27-06-90 Vink de, E.P.

Designing Stream Based Semantics for Uni­ form Concurrency and Logic Programming


Cijfers en Aequaties en Kennis der Staatskrachten

08-11-89 Ent, R.

Investigation of correlations in nuclei with the (e,e’X) reaction

16-11-89 Bente, E.A.J.M.

Autoionising series of barium

23-11-89 Hogenbirk, A.

The structure of 36s and 198, 200, 202, 204 Hg stidied by means of the (p,p’) reaction

04-12-89 Kuil, M.E.

Dynamical and structural aspects of DNAprotein interactions. A study with optical spectroscopie techniques

24-01-90 Zalmstra, J.J.A.

Coupled-channels analysis of inelastic pro­ ton scattering off 28 SI

03-05-90 Huizing, A.J.

B-Splines and Faddeev equations. An application to . d scattering

17-05-90 Brand, M.G.E.

Nuclear response beyond mean field theory


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1989

Jaarboeken | 161 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1989-1990 - pagina 151

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1989

Jaarboeken | 161 Pagina's