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1964 Geloof en Wetenschap : Orgaan van de Christelijke vereeniging van natuur- en geneeskundigen in Nederland - pagina 291

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten



Ladies and gentlemen, this is the story of a patiënt, who suffered tremendously, because the harmony between her psycho-biological existence and her soul was disturbed. We, as doctors, can never restore this harmony, if not first of all we are doctors of the Person, that is to say: -we and our patients in so many cases will stay dissatisfied with treatment if we are not aware that we too are evoked. Every day, and in the dialogue with every patient we have to listen, not only with sympathy to him, but especially to the Word coming from outside this world. A doctor experiences this transcendental change at the very moment that he finds the way to the deepest cause of the patients suffering. To be a doctor of the Person means to know ones vocation, because he is evoked himself to find in his fellow existence (the patient) a person as Suzanne Fouché from Paris has said in her solendid book: „Le malade, mon frère". Our approach to sick people has to take place from the aspect of personel medicine, which — I hope to have shown you — never can be pure psychologically. It is rather a metaphysical aspect. Paul Tournier and his collaborators founded in 1945, the Movement for Personal Medicine. In this group we discovered that there are two sources of knowledge, one is medical science, the other is the revelation in the Bible, which gives us the right information about the fundamental signification of man and his illness; none the less one need not be a member of a church or congregation to exercise the Medicine of the Person. But we are absolutely convinced that a doctor can do much harm to his patients, when he has not the right attitude to listen ani? when he has not the conviction that something in him has to be changed. (Balint).

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 januari 1964

Orgaan CVNG Geloof en Wetenschap | 316 Pagina's

1964 Geloof en Wetenschap : Orgaan van de Christelijke vereeniging van natuur- en geneeskundigen in Nederland - pagina 291

Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 januari 1964

Orgaan CVNG Geloof en Wetenschap | 316 Pagina's