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Aardwetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit 1960-2001 - pagina 258

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Aardwetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit 1960-2001 - pagina 258

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Datum Promovendus Promotor Titel proefschrift

and isotope geochemistry of

the West Pacific seamount


22-09-1998 C.A.E. Sanders Cloetingh Erosion and Tectonics competi-

tive forces in a compressive

orogen. A fission track study of

the Romanian Carpathians

26-10-1998 T. A. Tegaye Simmers, The hydrogeological system of

Meijerinl< the lake district basin, central

main Ethiopian Rift.

25-11-1998 T. den Bezemer CloetingPi Numerical modelling of fault-

related sedimentation.

09-02-1999 D. Ciulavu Cloetingh, Dinu Tertiary tectonics of the

Transylvanian basin.

11-02-1999 M. Huisinl< Vandenberghe Changing river styles in res-

ponse to climate change.

Examples from the Maas and

Vecht during the Weichselian

Pleni- and Lateglacial.

Ecohydrological basis for

16-02-1999 T.W.H.J. Hobma De Vries

coastal zone management.

Depositional environments,

11-03-1999 R.N. Erlich Schlager

geochemistry, and paleoceano-

graphy of Upper Cretaceous

organic carbon-rich strata,

Costa Rica and western


18-03-1999 E. Purwanto Simmers Erosion, sediment delivery and

soil conservaton in an upland

agricultural catchment in West

Java, Indonesia.

A hydrological approach in a

socio-economic context.

23-03-1999 P. Szaflan Cloetingh, Gravity and tectonics. A case

Horvath study in the Pannonian basin

and the surrounding mountain


23-03-1999 LZ. Lenkey Cloetingh, Geothermics of the Pannonian

Horvath basin and its bearing on the

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 2005

Publicaties VU-geschiedenis | 268 Pagina's

Aardwetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit 1960-2001 - pagina 258

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 2005

Publicaties VU-geschiedenis | 268 Pagina's