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Aardwetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit 1960-2001 - pagina 254

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Aardwetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit 1960-2001 - pagina 254

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Datum Promovendus Promotor Titel proefschrift


09-03-1995 J.J Beetsma Oen Ing Seen The Late Proterozoic/Paleo-

zoic and Hercynian crustal evo-

lution of the Iberian massif, in

Portugal. As traced by geoche-

mistry and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope

systematics of pre-Hercynian

terrigenous sediments and

Hercynian granitoids.

30-03-1995 J.M. Huizenga Touret, Fluid evolution in shear zones

Cloetmgh from the late archean Harare-

Shamva-Bindura greenstone

belt (NE Zimbabwe).

Thermodynamic calculations of

the C-O-H system applied to

fluid inclusions.

03-04-1995 E.P. Weijers Vugts Kinematic properties of convec-

tive structures m the atmos-

pheric surface layer.

04-04-1995 P. Zambezi Touret Geochemistry of the Nkombwa

hill carbonate complex of Isoka

district, northeast Zambia, with

special emphasis on economic


01-05-1995 P.J. van de Paverd Van Hinte Recent polycystine Radiolaria

from the Snellius-ll expedition.

24-05-1995 P.A. van der Beek Cloetmgh Tectonic evolution of continen-

tal rifts Inferences from nume-

rical modelling and fission

track thermochronology.

30-06-1995 S. de Rijk Van Hinte, Agglutinated foraminifera as

Roeleveld indicators of salt marsh deve-

lopment in relation to Late-

Holocene sea level rise.

18-09-1995 F.M. Selten Tennekes An efficient empirical descrip-

tion of large-scale atmospheric


25-09-1995 E.W. Zwart Schlager Fluid inclusions in carbonate

rocks and calcite cements

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 2005

Publicaties VU-geschiedenis | 268 Pagina's

Aardwetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit 1960-2001 - pagina 254

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 2005

Publicaties VU-geschiedenis | 268 Pagina's