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Het fysiologisch labaratorium VU/VUmc - pagina 48

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Het fysiologisch labaratorium VU/VUmc - pagina 48

Feiten en gebeurtenissen 1950-2005

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Het Fysiologisch Laboratorium VU/VUmc

R Braakman 30 3-1988 Pressure-flow relationships in skeletal muscle (from measu-

rements to model).

F Mast 30 11-1988 Metabolic recovery in isolated heart muscle

R Krams 14-12 1988 The effect of cardiac contraction on coronary flow, intro-

duction to a new concept

RE Beekman 15-12 1989 Thyroid state and cytosolic free calcium in rat cardiac myo-


P Bouma 27 11 1991 Coronary blood flow and cardiac contraction

mw A Muller 27-5-1992 Regulation of thyroid hormone dependent sarcoplasmic reticu-

lum Ca'+-ATPase expression in the L6 muscle cell line

mw D L L Dietrich 4 9 1992 Energetics and mechanics of the myocardium during anoxia

and reoxygenation, A study on isolated papillary muscle

J B Hak 28-5 1993 Dynamics of myocardial oxidative phosphorylation, studies

on metabolic control in the intact rabbit heart

EFI Comans 15 9 1993 Quantification of myocardial fatty acid oxidation by scinti-

graphy with radioiodmated heptadecanoic acid

N. Hoogerwerf 17 12-1993 Responses of peripheral arteries to physical stimuli and the

role of the endothelium, studies on isolated rabbit arteries

m w A S Nagesser 16 2-1994 Metabolites and metabolic fluxes during the development

of muscular fatigue, A study on different types of single

muscle fibres from Xenopus

mw M F Mulder 22 4 1994 Systemic and regional hemodynamic changes during endo-

toxemia in rats, Role of mediators and low cardiac output

m w j Bussemaker 22 6 1994 The coupling of heterogeneous myocardial blood flow and

energy metabolism, A study in the normal and ischemic pig


C C van der Linden 26-10-1994 Regulation by thyroid hormone of the expressionof sar-

coplasmic reticulum Ca^*-ATPase isoforms in rat skeletal


M B M Hofman 21 1 2 1 994 Blood flow measurements by magnetic resonance imaging,

Appplication to human coronary arteries

CPAIIaart 22 3-1995 Interactions between coronary perfusion and myocardial

mechanical properties, A study in the isolated perfused rat

papillary muscle

M HJ Eijgelshoven 31-3 1995 Dynamics of cardiac energy metabolism, simultaneous 31 P

NMR and 0^ uptake measurements during transient adapta-

tion in the intact rabbit heart

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 2007

Publicaties VU-geschiedenis | 52 Pagina's

Het fysiologisch labaratorium VU/VUmc - pagina 48

Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 2007

Publicaties VU-geschiedenis | 52 Pagina's