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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 21

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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 21

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Metliodlst Review. rL'M.icretl t'orstiotli,


to Ahriiiian






Devs, because,

but another nan)e for



And, when we lind in society much that is noand mucli that we dislike, the old lif^ure of liolune declares

One ble


what we

uf Israel.

that in our

own organism

in the brain

nnd Uiuch

likewise there



in the entrails to rouse







that without the entrails these brains could not exist.

In this wise the blurring of boundaries

is restlessly


not merely in the identification of force and matter, but practi-

by identifying power and right; by dissolving responsiatavism; by confusing property and theft,, by weakening the antithesis between the authorities and the subject, making both divisors of the one idea of State. In this State, which jjrovides for every want, as Hothe wills it, the Church of Christ also must disappear. The love for native land must give way to cosmopolitan pi-eference. Ko difference only communities is countenanced between city and village and no difference is longer tolerated among classes are known of societv, in modes of living or national dress. Uniformity is the curse which our modern life willfully feeds upon. In music Beetliovcn was the first to grasp this pantheistic tendency of our age, and to voice it for thousands u[)on thousands of hearts by his C minor and Ninth Symphonies; and after him "Wagner has willfully broken down the boundary between the worlds of sound and of thought. Certain stylists incline more and more to confuse the inkpot with the jiallet. Yes, there has been formed i^ circle which would be glad to have the boundary removed between language and language, and which would think the world idealized if it were peopled with fourteen hundred millions, who, iroxn the North to the South Pule, ppake none other than one holy Yolapuk. But enough. We made no mention of the theory which makes man descend from the chimpanzee, simply because this theme pardon the term is too thi-eatlbare. Only it is worthy of note that the X. II. Courant recently announced that in our zoological garden the orang-outang was not dead but deceased i also that the vocabulary of the monkey language now numbers four words, clearly understood by means of a j>honograph, which cally

bility into a pitiable


disarms line



drawn between

who i:ian



thinks language the bouiulary r.uimal.

But wc need say no

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's

Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 21

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's