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To be near unto God - pagina 566

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To be near unto God - pagina 566

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that heaven, stare at

it, and call to it and supGod, or he who alone could do would rend those heavens, and afford us access

plicate, that our it,

again to them.

And this prayer has been answered in Chriat. First in that he descended from heaven, and then in that he ascended thither again. By the latter far more strongly than by the former. For, surely, when Jesus was on earth, there was always an

opened heaven above him, and angels of God ascended and descended above the Son of Man. But only by Jesus' ascension has communion between heaven and earth been established on a broad scale, durably and permanently. He ascended, not as he descended, but he carried up He came to us our human nature in himself. from heaven as the Son of God, but as the Son of Man he returned into heaven. His ascension is no break of fellowship with his own, but rather an anchoring forevermore of the tie which binds him to his saints on earth. This fellowship is even wonderfully mutual. He our Head, und in him our life hidden with God, but on the other hand, he, our Savior, taking up his abode in the hearts of his own and staying near them with his majesty, his grace and with his spirit. And now is not a moment more of interruption, far less of a breaking of the tie which binds our earth to heaven, but in the sacred mj'ster^^ we have an ever continuing, living, holy outpouring there

of light and brightness, of power and might from on high, and by the side of this, in an equally

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1918

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 620 Pagina's

To be near unto God - pagina 566

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 januari 1918

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 620 Pagina's