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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 139

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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 139

..verzameld ter gelegenheid van haar honderddertigjarig bestaan op 20 oktober 2010 in opdracht van de Historische Commissie Vrije Universiteit

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

139 29 mei 5 juni 5 juni 9 juni 9 juni 10 juni 10 juni 12 juni 12 juni 26 juni 1 sept. 2 sept. 4 sept. 11 sept. 14 sept. 16 sept. 25 sept. 2 okt. 7 okt. 9 okt. 16 okt. 23 okt. 30 okt. 4 nov. 4 nov. 11 nov. 18 nov. 25 nov. 27 nov. 2 dec. 2 dec. 4 dec. 9 dec. 11 dec. 11 dec. 16 dec.

Kaandorp, C.J.E., Prevention of bacterial arthritis Brands, M., Disease: language and experience: a cognitive comparison of allopathy, homeopathy and Chinese medicine Smulders, R.A., Endothelial function in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Bakker, N.T.P., Regulation of vascular tone by endothelial factors in isolated rat skeletal muscle arterioles Torenbeek, R., Rare urinary bladder neoplasms: clinicopathologic and histogenetic aspects Nestby, P., Dopamine neurotransmission in rat brain and drug addiction Tjon Tien Ril, H.K.G., Long-term adaptations in striatal signal transduction following morphine exposure Xia, B., Immunological and immunogenetic studies in inflammatory bowel disease: experimental and clinical aspects Hoogendijk, W.J.G., Brain changes in depression Boer, M.L. den, Anthracycline resistance in childhood leukemia Engering, A.J., Regulation of major histocompatibility complex class II-restricted antigen presentation by human dendritic cells Huppa, J.B., Biochemical and cell biological aspects of biosynthesis and proteolysis in the context of adaptive immunity Rouppe van der Voort, E.M., Meningococcal vaccines A continuous crusade? Verhoeven, N.M., The metabolism of phytanic acid and pristanic acid in relation to peroxisomal disorders Sloof, G.W., Radioiodinated fatty acid analogues in normal and ischemic myocardium Lith-Bijl, J.T. van, Laryngeal reinnervation in the cat madel Jong, S.C. de, Familial Hyperhomocysteinemia and Premature Vascular Disease Huppes, W., Human to mouse graft versus host disease. A new model for AIDS research Krist, L.F.G., Milky spots in the human and rat greater omentum possible role in tumor cell dissimination Sanders, M., Application of radiofrequency lesions in patients suffering from chronic pain Postma, T.J., The impact of chemotherapy- induced peripheral neuropathy. Clinical studies and quality of life Houtum, W.H.W.F.M., Diabetes mellitus related lower extremity amputations Raaijmakers, E., Towards an Understanding of Impedance Cardiography Cuperus-Bosma, J.M., Regulering, toetsing en kwaliteitsbewaking van levensbeeindigend handelen Ruige, J.B., An epidemiological approach to the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus Welters, M.J.P., Determinants of cisplatin sensitivity in head and neck cancer Bogaard, H.J., The haemodynamic response to exercise in health and pulmonary disease. Noninvasive assessment by means of electrical impedance cardiography Harlaar, J., Technology for function assessment in clinical practice of rehabilitation medicine Tekstra, J., The regulatory role of chemokines in cell influx Poen, A.C., Endosonography in benign anorectal disease Kwakkel, G., Dynamics in functional recovery after stroke Brulez, H.F.H., Biocompatibility testing of peritoneal dialysis fluids an evaluation of several techniques Amsen, D., Central and peripheral involvement of costimulation in T cell tolerance Hoogeveen, E.K., Hyperhomocysteinemia, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The Hoorn study Bockting, W.O.M., Transgender HIV prevention: a Minnesota response to a global health concern Marum, R.J. van, The riks of developing decubitus ulcers. Risk factors and riks scores in a nursing home population

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26-8-2010 20:52:33

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's

Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 139

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's