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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 225

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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 225

..verzameld ter gelegenheid van haar honderddertigjarig bestaan op 20 oktober 2010 in opdracht van de Historische Commissie Vrije Universiteit

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten


26 jan. 6 febr. 22 maart 27 maart 29 maart 20 april 10 mei 12 mei 16 mei 17 mei 23 mei 29 mei 13 juni 19 juni 3 juli 7 sept. 13 sept. 3 okt. 5 okt. 16 okt. 27 okt. 31 okt. 2 nov. 7 nov. 7 nov. 23 nov. 29 nov. 30 nov. 11 dec. 13 dec.

2006 Zwaan, J.C., Gemmology, geology and origin of the Sandawana emerald deposits, Zimbabwe Garavito Rojas, A.M.F., Chemical Osmosis in Clayey Sediments. Field Experiments and Numerical Modelling Kools, S.A.E., Soil Ecosystem Toxicology: metal effects on structure and function Sijbrandi, R., Molecular insight into the pathogenetic synergy between E. coli and B. fragilis in secondary peritonitis Lin, B., Composition and functioning of iron-reducing communities in two contrasting environments, i.e. a landfill leachate-polluted aquifer and estuarine sediments Sinnige, M.P., 14-3-3 isoforms specificity in barley Mosca, P., Neogene basin evolution in the Western Po Plain (NW Italy). Insights from seismic interpretation, subsidence analysis and low temperature (U-Th) /He thermochronology Werf, G.R. van der, Quantifying Global Biomass Burning Emissions: using satellite data and biogeochemical modeling Keesstra, S.D., The effects of natural reforestation on the hydrology, river morphology, and sediment budget of the Dragonja catchment, SW Slovenia Kruizenga, H.M., Screening and treatment of malnourished hospital patients Goosen, H., Spatial water management Stam, F.J., Exploring the regenerative response to peripheral nervous system injury. A genomics and proteomics approach Conan, S.M.H., Calibration of planktic foraminifera proxies for paleoproductivity and seasonal variability in the western Arabian Sea Dijk, J. van, The effects of increased groundwater levels on biogeochemical and ecological characteristics of degraded peat meadows Fuente van Bentem, A. de la, Deciphering living networks. Perturbation strategies for functional genomics Tu, M., Assessment of the effects of climate variability and land use changes on the hydrology of the Meuse River Basin Schregardus, D.S., Like a bird on a wire. A lightweight transmitter for radio telemetry of neuronal single units in freely behaving zebra finches Schulp, A.S., On Maastricht Mosasaurs Meijkamp, B.B., Multilevel UV-B Attenuance. Morphological and Chemical Adaptations of Vicia faba to Ultraviolet-B Radiation Brian, E.C., Characterization of presynaptic targets for CA2+-dependent regulation of secretion Souren, A.F.M.M., Standards, soil, science and policy. Labelling usable knowledge for soil quality standards in the Netherlands 1971-2000 Osseweijer, P., A Short History of Talking Biotech. Fifteen years of iterative action research in institutionalising scientists’ engagement in public communication Gilbert, A.J., Coevolution in Complex Networks: an analysis of socio-natural interactions for wetlands management Tolla, C., Modelling Microbial Populations in Variable Environments Troost, T.A., Evolution of Community Metabolism Bouwman, J., Studies on the role of synaptic activity in synapse development and gene expression Simis, S.G.H., Blue-green catastrophe: remote sensing of mass viral lysis of cyanobacteria Stork, M., Iron uptake in Vibrio anguillarum. Regulation, siderophore biosynthesis and transport of iron-siderophore complexes Hoogland, C.T., Feed them facts. Transparency of meat and fish production as a determinant of sustainability in food choices Slijkerman, D.M.E., Application of functional endpoints in water quality assessment

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's

Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 225

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's