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Jaarboek 1960-1961 - pagina 113

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Jaarboek 1960-1961 - pagina 113

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publicaties docenten

GESCHIEDENIS DER NATUURWETENSCHAPPEN H O O Y K A A S , Prof. Dr. R. Natural Law and Divine Miracle. A historical-critical study of the Principle of Uniformity in Geology, Biology and Theology. Leiden, Brill, 1959. X I I I , 230 biz. The Christian Approach in Teaching Science. L o n d o n , Tyndale Press, 1960. 20 biz. A Christian Basis for Scientific and Technological Education ? I n : Technology and Purpose in Higher Education. The British Council of Churches, L o n d o n 1959, 15—18. Facsimile Reprints of Scientific Classics. I n : Arch, internat. Hist. d. Sciences, ^5(1958), 381. A I'occasion du 80e anniversaire de Cornelis de Waard. I n : Arch, internat. Hist. d. Sciences, 47(1959), 173—175. The Origins and Character of Modern Scientific and Technological Thought. I n : Science, Industry and Faith. Publications of the International Centre Castle Mainau, vol. 4, Konstanz, Friedr. Bahn Verlag, 1960, 8—25. The Historiography of Culture, Science and Learning in Modern Poland. I n : Free Univ. Quarterly VI (1959), 221—244. Miracles and Science. I n : Secretary, J. World Fed. Assoc. Seer. Y.M.C.A. (1960), 6—10. Pierre de la Ramée et l'empirisme scientifique au XVIe siècle. I n : La science au seizième siècle. CoUoque International de Royaumont 1—4 juillet 1957, Paris, Hermann, 1960, 299—313. Recensie v a n : Alvar Ellegard, IJarwin and the General Reader, G ö t e b o r g 1958. I n : Lychnos, Annual of the Swedish History of Science Society, (1959), 394—400. M E T E O R O L O G I E , GEOFYSICA E N VLOEISTOFMECHANICA G R O E N , Prof. D r . P. Met H . Postma: Mixing, rate of water renewal and transport of heat in a deep-sea basin as deduced from alkalinity and temperature data. I n : International Oceanographic Congress Sept. 1959, Preprints, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington D.C., 1959, p . 432-434. NATUURKUNDE NATUURKUNDIG LABORATORIUM B L O K , Prof. D r . J . Met F . M. Klaassen, K. M. v. Vliet en J. Blok: Carrier density fluctuations in semiconductors and photoconductors with one kind of trapping CÊtltBVS

Iii: Physica 26 (1960), 605—617. Met F . M. Klaassen, J. Blok, H . C. Booy en F. J. de H o o g : On the temperature dependence of the photoconductive decaytime of films of the lead salts. I n : Physica 26 (1960), 623—628.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 1960

Jaarboeken | 140 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1960-1961 - pagina 113

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 1960

Jaarboeken | 140 Pagina's