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Jaarboek 1973-1974 - pagina 133

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Jaarboek 1973-1974 - pagina 133

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A. W. Eriksson, M. -R. Eskola, P. L. Workman en N. E. Morton Population studies on the Aland Islands. II. Historical population structure: Inference from bioassay of kinship and migration; in: Hum. Hered. 23, (1973), biz. 511-354. A. W. Eriksson Ueber die genetische Struktur bei Lappen (The genetic structure of Lapps); in: Studies in the Anthropology of the Finno-Ugrian peoples. Arceological Institute of the University of Helsinki, Stencil nr. 7, biz. 109-127, Helsinki 1973. K. Berg en A. W. Eriksson Genetic marker systems in Arctic populations. V. The inherited Ag (x) serum lipoprotein antigen in Finnish Lapps; in: Hum. Hered. 23, (1973), biz. 241-246. A. W. Eriksson, R. Fronts en L. Sjöblom Investigation of white patch oxidase with polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; in: Acta acad. Aboensis 33, (1973), biz. 1-5. K. Berg en A. W. Eriksson Genetic marker systems in Arctic populations. VI. Polymorphism of C3 in Icelanders; in: Hum. Hered. 23, (1973), biz. 247-250. Genetic marker systems in Arctic populations. VII. Genetic variations in serum lipoproteins in Icelanders; in: Hum. Hered. 23, (1973), biz. 251-256. A. W. Eriksson Genetic polymorphism in Finno-Ugrian populations: Finns, Lapps and Maris. Proc. of the Sheba Int. Symp. „Genetic Polymorphisms and Diseases in Human Populations", Tel Aviv, 1973. Israël J. med. Sci. 9, (1973), biz. 1156-1170. A. G. M. van Vliet, P. J. Waardenburg, H. Forsius en A. W. Eriksson Nystagmographical studies in the Aland eye disease. Acta Ophthalm. (Kbn.) 51, (1973), biz. 782-790. A. G. Steinberg, A. Tiilikainen, M. -R. Eskola en A. W. Eriksson Gammaglobulin allotypes in Finnish Lapps, Finns, Aland Islanders, Maris (Cheremis) and Greenland Eskimos. Amer. J. hum Genet. 26, (1974), biz. 223-243. A. W. Eriksson Afkomst en toekomst, wij en onze genen. Inaugurele oratie V.U., Amsterdam, 1974. T. Sahi, A. W. Eriksson, M. Isokoski en M. Kirjarinta Lactose malabsorption in Finnish Lapps. Preliminary report. Nord. Coun. Arct. med. Res. Rep. nr. 6, (1974), biz. 11-12. D. C. Rao, S. Yee, M-R. Eskola en A. W. Eriksson Analysis of ABO mating type frequencies. Hum. Hered. 24, (1974), biz. 59-69.


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1973

Jaarboeken | 194 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1973-1974 - pagina 133

Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1973

Jaarboeken | 194 Pagina's