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Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 168

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Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 168

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noradrenaline and dopamine release in rat brain tissue; in: Abstr. i8th Duth Federative Meeting, Leiden, p. 30J (1977). A. H. Mulder, R. K. Dismukes, C. D. J. de Langen Alpha- adrenoceptormediated modulation of 'H-noradrenaline release from rat brain cortex slices and synaptosomes; in: Abstr. 6th Meeting of the Int. Soc. Neurochemistry, Copenhagen, (1977), p. 166. G. H. Mulder, P. G. Smelik A superfusion system technique for the study of the sites of action of glucocorticoids in the rat hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal system in Vitro. II. Hypothalamus- pituitary celladrenal cell superfusion; in: Endocrinol. 100 (1977), pp. 1153-1159. /. C. Stoof, A. H. Mulder On the nature of the functional transmitter pool in dopaminergic neurons: differential release of newly synthesized dopamine and accumulated exogenous dopamine from rat striatal slices; in: Abstr. i8th Dutch Federative Meeting, Leiden (1977), p. 375. J. C. Stoof, A. L. Frankhuyzen, A. H. Mulder Possible modulatory action of GABA-ergic interneurons on dopamine release from rat striatal slices; in: Abstr. 6th Meeting of the Int. Soc. Neurochemistry, Copenhagen (1977), p. 232. N. Subramanian, A. H. Mulder Modulation by histamine of the efflux of radiolabeled catecholamines from rat brain slices; in: Eur. J. Pharmacol. 43 (1977), pp. 143-152. /. Vermes, P. G. Smelik, A. H. Mulder Effects of hypophysectomy, adrenalectomy and corticosterone treatment on uptake and release of putative central neurotransmitters by rat hypothalamic tissue in vitro; in: Life Sciences 19 (1976), pp. 1719-1726. Vakgroep fysiologie W. Band, W. J. A. Goedhart, G. van Dijk en C. J. van Nie Aging of the cardiovascular system; in: Abstr. i8e Fed. Verg. Med. Biol. Ver., Leiden 1977, p. 86. G. C. van den Bos, N. Westerhof, G. Elzinga en P. Sipkema Reflection in the systemic arterial system: effects of aortic and carotid occlusion; in: Cardiovasc. Res., 10 (1976), pp. 43-47A. van Dieren, K. H. Wesseling, W. J. A. Goedhard en W. Band Elastic properties of 10 human thoracic aortas aged 59 to 82 years; in: Inst. Med. Phys. Progress Report 5 (1976), pp. 43-47. 168

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1976

Jaarboeken | 270 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 168

Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1976

Jaarboeken | 270 Pagina's