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Jaarboek 1977-1978 - pagina 155

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Jaarboek 1977-1978 - pagina 155

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Dr. H. Joenje, R. M. Benbow A low molecular weight D N A polymerase from ovaries of the frog Xenopus laevis. D N A Polymerase - yg (ovarian); in: J. of Biol. Chem. 253 (1978), pp. 2640-2649. Dr. H. Joenje, Drs. R. R. Fronts, Dr. F. Arwert, Prof. dr. A. W. Eriksson Specific activity of human erythrocyte superoxide dismutase as a function of donor age; in: Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 8 (1978), pp. 265-267. Dr. P. H. Jongbloet, Drs. J. H. J. van Erkelens-Zwets Rhythm Methods: Are there Risks to the Progeny? in: Proc. Workshop on Risks, Benefits and Controversies in Fertility Control. Arlington, Virginia, U.S.A. (editors: J. J. Sciarra, G. I. Zatuchni en J. I. Speidel), Harper & Row (1978), pp. 520-533. Apparently balanced de novo translocations in patients with abnormal phenotypes; in: Clinical Genetics 12 (1977), PP- 188-190. Trisomy Cluster in New York; in: Lancet, ii (1977), pp. 880-881. Dr. P. H. Jongbloet, L. Iffy, M. Lavenhar, H. A. Kaminetsky, M. B. Wingate, A. Jakobovits, I. Barta Early intrauterine development. The role of maternal age, parity, fetal sex and seasonal variation in human growth patterns; in: Int. J. Gynaecol. Obstet. 16 (1978) (in press). Prof. dr. W. Lehmann, Prof. dr. H. R. Forsius, Prof. dr. A. W. Eriksson Von Willebrand-Jiirgens Syndrome on Aland; in: Book of Abstracts of the Sigrid Jusélius Symposium „Population Genetic Studies on Isolates", August 15-16 (1978), P- 39Cornea Plana; in: Book of Abstracts of the Sigrid Jusélius VII Symposium „Population Genetic Studies on Isolates", August 3-16, p. 21. Dr. K. Madan, C. E. Ford, C. Polge A reciprocal translocation in a pig t(6p + ; i4q—); in: Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 53 (1978), pp. 395-398Prof. dr. Nancy E. Simpson, Prof. dr. A. W. Eriksson, Prof. dr. W. Lehmann Genetic diversity in circumpolar populations; in: Book of Abstracts. Sigrid Jusélius VII Symposium: „Population Genetic Studies on Isolates", August 13-16 (1978), pp. 43-44. Ir. J. V. Pronk, W. van Empelen-Putman New genetic markers for linkage studies and population genetics: AmyiR' and AmyiR^; 19th Dutch Federative Meeting, Rotterdam, 1978, p. 368. Ir. J. C. Pronk, Drs. R. R. Frants, Prof. dr. A. W. Eriksson Pi M subtypes defined by separator isoelectric focusing: X I V International Congress of Genetics, 21-30 Aug., 1978, Moscow, p. 411.


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1977

Jaarboeken | 296 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1977-1978 - pagina 155

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1977

Jaarboeken | 296 Pagina's