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Jaarboek 1978-1979 - pagina 110

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Jaarboek 1978-1979 - pagina 110

1 minuut leestijd Arcering uitzetten

2J februari 19J9 Dr. E. E. Burnell, University of British Colombia, Vancouver, Canada, over: „The application of deuterium magnetic resonance to model lipid systems". 28 februari i^j^ Prof. dr. J. P. E. Grolier, Université de Clermont-Ferrand, Frankrijk, over: „Molecular interactions in organic mixtures. Their consequences on the thermodynamic properties". 2 april i^j^ Prof. dr. L. A. Sternson, University of Kansas, U.S.A., over: „Pre-column derivatization in the clinical analysis of anti-neoplastic agents". 10 april i^j^ Prof. dr. R. Franke, Institut fur Wirkstofforschung, Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Berin, over: „Electronic effects of substituents in benzene derivates on lipophilic behaviour". 22 mei i<)j^ Prof. dr. R. H. Wood, University of Delaware, U.S.A., over: „Rapidly converging activity expansions for representing the properties of fluid systems: gases, non-electrolyte and electrolyte solutions". 8 juni ipyp Prof. dr. P. T. Kissinger, Purdue University, U.S.A., over: „Liquid Chromatography with amperometric detection, trace organics in complex samples". Biologie IJ en 14 november i^j8 Dr. A. C. Whittle, University Bochum (voorheen Newcastle upon Tyne), over: „Observations in the cerebral ganglia of Helix Pomatia". 21 november i^j8 Dr. H. Greenway, University of Western Australia, over: „Osmoregulation in Chlorella". 106

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1978

Jaarboeken | 152 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1978-1979 - pagina 110

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1978

Jaarboeken | 152 Pagina's