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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 22

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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 22

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Pantheism'' s Destruction of Boundaries.

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For all this theory really asserts is that everyand whether a stone drops, or rain clatters, or the hirk lia[)s his.wiiiirs ami sii)ij:;s his iiioniiui; son<y, or man thinks, composes poetry, and kneels in prayei', it is all one lifentterance, altogether an excitement of feeling and a spontSr neous life-utterance of the unknown absolute Spirit. this.

thing^ is allied,

But the

religious interests briefly claim onr attention, for with

these entered the strongest motive for boundary removals.


drew a new and very deep boundary line between the profane and the sacred, which was rejected by the secularizing spirit almost with insults and sneers. There was no longer room for theology as a science her metaphysic was Christian religion


identical with philosophy, and, for the rest, historical,

and ethnological



lost in literary,

The boundary between

God and idols fell of itself away, since animism and fetichism were classed with our Christian religion under one head. In this organic connection the origin, essence, and idea of religion could be known from religious phenomena, and in tliis way arose the newborn "science of religion," M^hich more and more supplants tlieology. The knowledge of the object of religion is no more cared for, but merely the knowledge of the sensations, representations, and utterances to which

religious feeling

moves the




every leading

difference in religion fell away, and every boundary between

and that which moved the spirits in the world estranged from Christ, was bound, as some affirm, to work its effect in the Church also with utmost pliancy. And heresy and doctrine

then so


— O, why not otherwise?— the " Yermittelungs-theologen,"


in other ways,

have in Schleiermacher's track

sought salvation in their ethical, theosophical, and apocalyptic diversiflcation in that unhap[>y YerviitteJung by which in

advance the opponent gained the da3\ We do not say this because we do not appreciate their labors, so brilliant in many respects, or because Ave do not understand the goodness of their intention, and much less from a desire to offend any of them personally, but because their ]">osition was simply unThey were^?oi5 de tcrre^ and proposed a walk with tenable. fot defer ^ and they did not Avin the spirit of the times for Christ, but the spirit of the limes estranged them more and

more from confessing


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's

Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 22

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's