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Jaarboek 1972-1973 - pagina 142

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Jaarboek 1972-1973 - pagina 142

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

SCHANS, G. P. VAN DER, J. F. BLEICHRODT en JOH. BLOK Contribution of various types of damage to inactivation of a biologically-active circular DNS by gamma-radiation. (In samenwerking met Med. Biol. Lab. der RVO/TNO) In: Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 23 (1973), biz. 133-150.


THUS, G. D., P. H. SCHRAM en C. C. JONKER Proton-neutron final-state interaction in the reaction ^H(d,2p)n at 12.6 MeV. In: Nuclear Physics A205 (1973), biz. 413-432. VERHEUL, H. en W. B. EWBANK Nuclear Data Sheets for A = 91. In: Nuclear Data Sheets B8 (1972), biz. 477-526. VOS, H. On the determination of optical model parameters. Diss. V.U. Amsterdam, 1972. Remark 2 on Algorithm 300 (S22). In: Communications of the ACM iff (1973) ,blz. 308-309. W A G E N I N G E N , R. VAN, J. H. STUIVENBERG, J. BRUINSMA en G. ERENS Sensitivity of ^H and ^He properties on low-energy nucleon-nucleon scattering parameters, using a delta-shell nucleon-nucleon potential. In: Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Few-Particle Problems in the Nuclear Interaction, Los Angeles, Calif., U.S.A., (28-8/1-9 1972), biz. 453-456. WIGMANS, M. E. J., R. J. HEYNIS, P. M. A. VAN D E R K A M , L. A. P A A N A K K E R en H. VERHEUL Properties of neutron-poor Sn and Sb nuclei studied from the decay of short-lived mass-separated Sb and Te sources. In: Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Nuclear Physics, Munich, aug. 1973, Vol. i, biz. 225. WIGMANS, M. E. J., B. O. TEN BRINK, R. J. HEYNIS, P. M. A. VAN D E R KAM, L. A. PAANAKKER en H. VERHEUL Production of pure short-lived Te and Sb sources with an isotope separator semi-on-line system. In: Proc. of the 8th Int. EMIS Conf. on Low Energy Ion Accelerators and Mass Separators, Skövde, Sweden, (12-15 juni 1973), biz. 451-455. ZUYLEN, H. J. VAN Electrical conductivity of imperfect crystals. Diss. V.U. Amsterdam, 1973. ZIJP, E. Polarization measurements and optical model analyses of neutron scattering at 3.2 MeV. Diss. V.U. Amsterdam, 1972. 140


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1972

Jaarboeken | 216 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1972-1973 - pagina 142

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 1972

Jaarboeken | 216 Pagina's