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Jaarboek 1973-1974 - pagina 165

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Jaarboek 1973-1974 - pagina 165

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N. J. McGurk, H. Fiedeldey, H. de Groot en H. J. Boersma Triton binding energy with phase-equivalent potentials; in: Physics Letters, 49 B, (1974), biz. 13-16. N. J. McGurk, H. Fiedeldey, H. de Groot, H. Boersma en R. van Wageningen Realistic non-local potentials for triton calculations; in: Proc. 8th Annual Seminar on theoretical Physics, Pretoria, 9-13 juli 1973, biz. C i-C 12. T. J. Hazendonk Electro-luminescene and noise in GaAs o-6oPo-4o diodes; proefschrift V.U. Amsterdam, 1973. W. H. A. Hesselink, B. R. Kooistra, L. W. Put, R. H. Siemssen en S. Y. van der Werf Proton-hole states in " ^ In observed in the ""^Sn (d, ^He) reaction; in: Nuclear Physics, A 226, (1974), biz. 229-236. W. Hogervorst, C. Ekstrom, S. Ingelman en G. Wannberg Nuclear spins of some neutron-deficient tin isotopes; in: Physica Scripta, 9, (1974), biz. 317. W. Hogervorst en S. Svanberg Stark effect investigation of highly excited ^Da/a states in ' ^ ' C s utilizing a CW tunable dye laser; in: Physics Letters, 48 A, (1974), biz. 89. W. Hogervorst en S. Svanberg Stark effect investigation of highly excited D states in ^ ' R b and ' ^ ' C s utilizing a CW tunable dye laser; in: Proc. of the 6th Egas Conference, Berlin-W., juli 1974. L. Hulstman, R. D. Vis en J. Blok Preparation of rubidium targets for high resolution reaction spectroscopy; in: Nuclear Instruments & Methods, 120, (1974), biz. 537-538. / . L. de Jager The description of odd-mass copper nuclei with praticle-core coupling models; proefschrift V.U. Amsterdam, 1974. J. L. de Jager en E. Boeker The particle- phonon model and particle-core model for *^Cu; in: Nuclear Physics, A 216, (1973), biz. 349-364. R. Kamermans, H. W. Jongsma, J. v. d. Spek en H. Verheul Y-ray transitions in **Cr and ''"Zn; in: Physical Review, C 10, aug. (1974), biz. 620. P. Lettinck Nuclear structure calculations for ^^Sr, ^ ' Y and ' ° Z r ; proefschrift V.U. Amsterdam, 1973. A. Ladder A renormalized transport equation for systems with both electron- phonon and imperfection scattering; in: Physica, 71, (1974), biz. 371-385.


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Jaarboeken | 194 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1973-1974 - pagina 165

Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1973

Jaarboeken | 194 Pagina's