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Aardwetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit 1960-2001 - pagina 257

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Aardwetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit 1960-2001 - pagina 257

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Datum Promovendus Promotor Titel proefschrift

23-06-1997 C S . Ting De Vries, Groundwater resources evalua-

Simmers tion and management for

Pingtung Plain, Taiwan

28-10-1997 LC. Matenco Cloetmgh, Dinu Tectonic evolution of the outer

Romanian Carpathians

constraints from kinematic ana-

lysis and flexural modelling.

04-11-1997 R.FB Isarin Vandenberghe The climate in north-western

Europe during the Younger


20-11-1997 WZ Hoek Zag wijn Palaeogeography of lateglacial

vegetations (bestaat uit 2


22-01-1998 M Moree Touret The behavior of retrograde

fluids in high-pressure settings

Implications for the petrology

and geochemistry of subduc-

tion-related metabasic rocks

from Catalina Island (California,

USA) and Syros (Greece).

30-03-1998 A.C. Lankreijer Cloetmgh Rheology and basement control

on extensional basin evolution

in Central and Eastern Europe

Variscan and Alpme-Carpa-

thian-Pannonian tectonics.

27-04-1998 ETSelaolo De Vries Tracer studies and groundwater

recharge assessment in the

eastern fringe of the Botswana

Kalahari. The Letlhakeng-

Botlapatlou area

The strontium isotope strati-

28-04-1998 H.B. Venhof Van Hinte

graphic record of selected geo-

logic events.

04-06-1998 SO. Los De Vries Linkages between global vege-

tation and climate. An analysis

based on NOAA advanced very

high resolution radiometer


08-09-1998 A.AP Koppers Staudigel 40 Ar/39 Ar Geochronology

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 2005

Publicaties VU-geschiedenis | 268 Pagina's

Aardwetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit 1960-2001 - pagina 257

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 januari 2005

Publicaties VU-geschiedenis | 268 Pagina's