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The work of the Holy Spirit - pagina 576

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The work of the Holy Spirit - pagina 576

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten




godliest mother, and all the comfort wherewith she comforts her children, are utterly nothing

comfort of the Holy


to the delightful

and divine


Oh, that Comforter, the Holy Ghost, who never ceases to care children, who ever resumes with new animation the weaving of their soul-garments, even tho their wilfulness has for God's

broken the threads!


earth there is no suitable comparison

there may be a type somewhere but a measure this divine comfort there is not. It is wholly unique, wholly divine, the measure of all other comfort. The comfort wherewith we comfort others has value and signifi-


In the





full-sized image to

cance only


it is

bright with the spark of the divine comfort.

The Song of Songs contains a description of the tender love of Immanuel for His Church He, the Bridegroom who calls for the :




she, the bride




pines with love for her God-given Bride-

therefore, something entirely different


the love,

not of comfort, but of the tenderest, most intimate communion and mutual belonging together the one not happy without the other ;

both destined for each other by the divine ordinance united, and by virtue of that same ordinance wretched unless the one possesses the ;




not the Holy Spirit's love in the comforting.


and the Church is for time and eternity; but the comfort of the Holy Ghost will cease not His work of love, but that of the comforting. Comfort can be administered only so long as there is one uncomforted and comfortless. So long as Israel must pray to be delivered from iniquities so long as tears flow so long as there is bitter sorrow and distress, so long will the


of Christ



Holy Spirit be our Comforter. But when sin is ended and misery is no more, when death is abolished and the last sorrow is endured and the last tear wiped away, then, I ask, what remains there for the Holy Spirit to comfort? How could there still be room for a Comforter? To the question. Why, then, did the Lord say, " I will send you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forei'er " ? I answer with another question: Is it to the honor of a child that, while he cries for his mother's comfort, he forgets her as soon as the sorrow is past ? This can not be this would be a denial of He that is truly comforted entertains for his the nature of love. comforter such intense feeling of gratitude, obligation, and attach;

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1900

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 704 Pagina's

The work of the Holy Spirit - pagina 576

Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1900

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 704 Pagina's