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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 192

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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 192

..verzameld ter gelegenheid van haar honderddertigjarig bestaan op 20 oktober 2010 in opdracht van de Historische Commissie Vrije Universiteit

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

promoties wiskunde- en naturwetenschappen 1993-1995

192 4 mei 10 mei 12 mei 12 mei 17 mei 17 mei 24 mei 4 juni 7 juni 14 juni 15 juni 7 sept. 13 sept. 23 sept. 21 okt. 25 okt. 1 nov. 3 nov. 8 nov. 11 nov. 18 nov. 7 dec. 14 dec. 20 dec. 20 dec.

7 jan. 17 febr. 24 maart 28 maart 29 maart 7 april 12 april

Hoekstra, R., Expression of ribosomal protein genes in Kluyveromyces as a function of cellular growth rate Abraham, Ph.R., Molecular characterization of a chromosomal region specifying mitochondrial components in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Bouwmeester, A.J.M., The molecular and functional characterization of zinc finger and Myb-related proteins during early embryonic development in Xenopus laevis Wijk, I.J. van, In vivo functional analysis of xenopus zinc finger proteins and xenopus bmyb during early embryogenesis Plompen, A.J.M., Collective and quasiparticle excitations in light Pb isotopes Schaap, P.J., Nuclear import of yeast ribosomal proteins Visschers, R.W., Subunit structure and protein interactions in antenna complexes of purple non-sulphur bacteria Vreuls, J.J., Liquid chromatographic sample treatment coupled on-line with gas chromatography Vreeken, R.-J., Enhanced performance in column liquid chromatography with thermospray mass spectrometric detection Bakker, R.J., Free electrons as a versatile source of coherent radiation Teunissen, H.Th., Synthesis and reactivity of 2-halophosphinines Horita, E., Fully abstract models for concurrent languages Hoffmann, M., Regulation of cytochrome P450 2B2 gene expression Kingma, I.E., Intramolecularly bridged organocobalt Schiff base complexes as coenzyme B12 models Leijen, M.M. van, Synthesis and reactivity of some benzoannelated four-membered metallacycles Vlaar, C.P., Preparation and reactions of some new derivatives of dilithiomethane and 1,2-dilithioethane Stijntjes, G.J., Renal cysteine conjugate b-lyase: molecular mechanism of action and role in the nephrotoxicity of xenobiotics Kester, L.J.H.M., Investigation of short range correlations in 12C with the (e,ep) and (e,epp) reactions Gerards, L.E.H., Thermolytic and photolytic cleavage of the cobalt-carbon bond in coenzyme B12 Bijkerk, F., Laser plasma soft x-ray sources, application in microlithography Kwa, S.L.S., Plant solar cells under illumination: a spectroscopic investigation of photosystem II Lác, J., Electron scattering: study of internal target effects and of the 209Bi(e,e’p) reaction Baldew, A.U., Explorative studies on strained derivatives of benzene: triafulvalene and small (5)cyclophanes Levelt, J., Deep inelastic semi-inclusive processes Rosa, A.M., Metal-metal, metal-ligand and ligand-ligand interactions in metal-carbonyls and metal-porphyrins: a density functional study of chemical and physical properties 1994 Heide, T.A.J. van der, Regio- en stereoselectieve synthese van carbo- en heterocyclische verbindingen met behulp van 2-metallomethylallylethers Kirchner, E.J.J., Interactions at surfaces: quantumchemical studies Gruter, G.J.M., The organometallic chemistry of 1,3-xylylene crown ethers: synthesis, reactivity and spectroscopy Christiaans, J.A.M., Synthesis and in vitro pharmacology of a series of histamine H2-agonists with additional cardiovascular activities Oostrom, V. van, Confluence for abstract and higher-order rewriting Lieshout, M.N.M. van, Stochastic geometry models in image analysis and spatial statistics Halberstadt, G., Magnetic heating of the solar corona: photospheric excitation and coronal

04 Promoties 07 WenN.indd 192

26-8-2010 20:54:29

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's

Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 192

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's