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Jaarboek 1973-1974 - pagina 135

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Jaarboek 1973-1974 - pagina 135

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Electronenmicroscopie E. Ch. M. Hoefsmit Mononuclear phagocytes, reticulum cells and dendritic cells in lymphoid tissues; in: Mononuclear phagocytes in immunity, infection and pathology. Ed. R. van Furth, Blackwell Scientific Publ. Oxford-London-Melbourne, 1974, (in press.). E. W. A. Kamperdijk De invloed van antigene stimulatie op de ultrastructuur van reticuiumcellen en macrofagen in de lymfklier; in: Verslag van de Federatieve Vergadering van de Med.-Biologische Verenigingen, (1974), biz. 223. Laboratorium voor farmacologie A. M. L. van Delft, J. Kaplanski en C. Nyakas Involvement of Brain 5-Hydroxy-Tryptamine in the 24 hour Periodicity of The PituitaryAdrenal Axis of the Rat; in: Acta endocr., suppl. 177, (1973), biz. 152. A. M. L. van Delft, C. Nyakas, J. Kaplanski en F. J. H. Tilders The effect of 6-Hydroxydopamine Administration to Neonatal Rats on Some Endocrine and Behavioral Parameters; in: Arch. Int. Pharmacol. Ther. vol. 206, nr. 2, (1973), biz. 403-404. W. Dorst An approach to the problem of Bioelectric Relaxation Oscillations. Symp. „Biological Aspects of Electrochemistry"; in: ISW-Sonderdruck, Birhauser Verlag, Basel. C. Botré, A. Munoli, W. Dorst en P. G. Smelik Some Considerations on Transport Across Synthetic and Living Membranes in II Farmaco, Ed. Sci., 29, (1974), biz. 665. J. Kaplanski, J. C. Stoof en P. G. Smelik Effect of Calcium and metatyrosine on reserpine-induced ACTH secretion and on Brian Catecholamine levels; in: Acta endocr., suppl. 177, (1973), biz. 157. A. H. Mulder, H. J. Yatnamura, M. J. Kuhar en S. H. Snyder Release of acetylcholine from hippocampal slices by potassium depolarization; dependence on high affinity choline uptake; in: Brain Research, 70, (1974), biz. 372-376. A. H. Mulder en S. H. Snyder Potassium-induced release of amino acids from cerebral cortex and spinal cord slices of the Rat; in: Brain Research, 76, (1974), biz. 297-308. A. H. Mulder en S. H. Snyder Potassium-induced release of amino acids from cerebral cortex and spinal cord slices of the Rat; in: Abstracts 15e Fed. Vergadering Nijmegen, (1974), biz. 274. A. H. Mulder en P. G. Smelik Modification of in-vitro neurotransmitter release from rat brain slices by hypophysiotropic factors; in: Abstracts I.S.P.N.E. Congress Utrecht, (1974). 137

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1973

Jaarboeken | 194 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1973-1974 - pagina 135

Bekijk de hele uitgave van maandag 1 januari 1973

Jaarboeken | 194 Pagina's