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Jaarboek 1975-1976 - pagina 162

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Jaarboek 1975-1976 - pagina 162

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Vakgroep medische chemie Dr. W. van Dijk Sialoglycoprotein biosynthesis in calf kidney. Studies on C M P - N A N A synthetase, CMPN A N A hydrolase and glycoprotein sialyltransferase; Proefschrift V.U. (1976), 78 pp. D. H. van den Eijnden en W. van Dijk „Sialoglycoprotein Biosynthesis in Brain" Abstr. Third International Symposium of Glycoconjugates; Functions in Animals. Brighton, England (1975). p. 35. D. H. van den Eijnden, J. F. Codington en R. W. Jeanloz Structure of the Oligosaccharide Chains of the Cell Surface Glycoprotein (epiglycanin) of the TAs-Ha Cancer Cell. Abstr. 17e Fed. Verg. Med. Bio. Ver. 1976, Amsterdam p . 185.

C. de Wart, J. H. Sietsma, W. Ferwerda en Th. M. Brogt (1966) Action of Chlorpromazine on Non-specific Phosphates bound to Membranes in Brain Tissue of the Rat. Nature, 212, 848-849. W. van Dijk, W. Ferwerda en D. H. van den Eijnden Subcellular and regional Distribution of CMP-N-acetylneuraminic Acid Synthetase in the Calf Kidney, Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 315 (1973), pp. 1Ó2-175. J. Stepan en W. Ferwerda Phosphatases IX. Differences in Sialic Acid Content of Rat Liver Alkaline Phosphates Isoenzymes. Experientia, 29. pp. 948-949. (1973). W. Ferwerda en J. Stepan Phosphatases X. Study on the Mechanism of Induction of Alkaline Phosphatase Activity after Bile Duct Ligation; Purification of the Inducible Liver Alkaline Phosphatase and Incorporation of Radioactive Precursors. Hoppe Seyler's Z. Physiol. Chem. 354 (1973). PP- 1462-1472-

W. Ferwerda, J. F. M. Meijer, D. H. v. d. Eijnden en W. van Dijk Epithelial Basement Membrane of Bovine Renal Tubuli. Isolation and Characterization. Hoppe Seyler's Z. Physiol. Chem. 355 (1974), pp. 976-984.


W. Ferwerda, Th. M. Feltkamp-Vroom en J. W. Smit Collagen and Glycoprotein Components Derived from Bovine Tubular Basement Membrane: Chemical and Immunological Properties. Biochem. Soc. Trans 2 (1974), p p . 640-Ó42.

A. van Nieuw Amerongen, W. Ferwerda en P. A. Roukema Incorporation of D--''H Glucosamine into the sialoglycoprotein GP-350 of adult rat brain. J. Neurochem. 23 (1974), pp. 405-409. W. Ferwerda Epithelial Basement Membrane of Bovine Renal Tubuli. A Chemical and Immunological Study. Proefschrift V.U., Amsterdam. 160

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 januari 1975

Jaarboeken | 252 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1975-1976 - pagina 162

Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 januari 1975

Jaarboeken | 252 Pagina's