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Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 210

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Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 210

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Drs. L. H. W. van der Plas, P. Onel, M. J. Wagner and Dr. J. D. Verleur Changes in the effects of M G + +-ions on mitochondrial respiration after wounding of potato tubers; in: Zeitschr. Pflanzenphys. 83 (1977), pp. 213-266. Dr. L. H. W. van der Plas Electron transport in potato. Changes after wounding and storage. Proefschrift V.U. 1977Electron transport in mitochondria from potato tuber tissue in various developmental stages; Abstracts International Conference on regulation of developmental processes in plants, Halle, DDR, (1977), p. 79. Drs. H. van de Pol, Clo DF13 genetic plasmid Clo DF13; Group, Amsterdam

J. Blom, Dr. E. Veltkamp and Prof. dr. H. J. P. Nijkamp information involved in the transfer of the bacteriocinogenic Abstr. Ninth Meeting of the North West European Microbiological (1977), p. 70.

Prof. dr. A. H. Southamer Energetic aspects of the growth of micro-organisms; Symp. Soc. Gen. Microbiol. 27 (1977). PP- 285-315. Biochemistry and genetics of nitrate reductase in bacteria; in: Adv. Microb. Physiol. 14 (1976), pp. 315-375. Prof. dr. A. H. Stouthamer and Mej. C. W. Bettenhaussen A continuous culture study of an ATPase-negative mutant of Escherichia coli; in: Arch. Microbiol. 113 (1977), pp. 185-189. Energetic aspects of anaerobic growth of Aerobacter aerogenes in complex medium; in: Arch. Microbiol 111 (1976), pp. 21-23. Dr. H. H. van der Velde The growth of Acrochaetium under red, white and blue light. Proefschrift V.U. 1977. Dr. E. Veltkamp and Prof. dr. H. J. J. Nijkamp Genetic and biochemical aspects of replication of the bacteriocinogenic plasmid Clo D F 13; in: Theoretical and Medical Aspects of Plasmids (Avicenum and Springer Verlag) (1977), pp. 121-125. Dr. E. Veltkamp, Drs. A. R. Stuitje, Drs. J. D. A. van Embden and Prof. dr. H. J. ]. Nijkamp Isolation of Clo D F i 3 - T n A recombinant plasmids and mapping of integration sites of the T n A transposon; in: Genen and Phaenen, 19 (1977), pp. 69-71. Dr. E. Veltkamp, Drs. P. M. Andreoli, Drs. J. D. A. van Embden and Prof. dr. H. J. J. Nijkamp Molecular and genetic analysis of the bacteriocinogenic plasmid Clo D F 1 3 ; Abstr. Second A.S.M. Meeting on extrachromosomal elements, Jackson, U.S.A., (1977), p. 45. 210

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1976

Jaarboeken | 270 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 210

Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1976

Jaarboeken | 270 Pagina's