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Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 224

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Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 224

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Dr. A. J. van Loon, Prof. dr. A. J. Wiggers Abrasion as an agent for sand supply in a Holocene lagoon (Almere and Zuiderzee Members, Groningen Formation) in the Netherlands; in: Sedimentary Geology 15, (1976), pp. 293-307. Primary and secondary synsedimentary structures in the lagoonal Almere Member (Groningen Formation, Holocene, the Netherlands); in: Sedimentary Geology 16, (1976), pp. 89-97. Metasedimentary „Graben" and associated structures in the lagoonal Almere Member (Groningen Formation, the Netherlands); in: Sedimentary Geology 16, (1976), pp. 237-254Dr. W. Roeleveld The Holocene evolution of the Groningen marine clay district; in: Berichten van de Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek 24, (1974). Dr. W. Roeleveld, Dr. J. Sommé The coastal plain of Northern France; in: Prof. dr. R. Paepe: Southern shores of the North Sea, pp. 6-17. I N Q U A Guidebook for excursion C17. Inqua congress Birmingham 1977. Dr. J. vandenBerghe, Prof. dr. F. Gullentops Contribution to the stratigraphy of the Weichsel Pleniglacial in the Belgian Coversand area; in: Geologie en Mijnbouw 2, (1977), pp. 123-128.

Vakgroep meteorologie / oceanografie Dr. H. F. Vugts, Dr. W. K. R. E. van Wingerden Meteorological aspects of aeronautic behaviour of spiders; in: OIKOS 27 (1976), pp. 433-444Dr. H. F. Vugts, Prof. dr. J. A. Buringer Air modification due to a step change in surface temperature; in: Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 11 (1977), pp. 295-305.

Vakgroep paleontologie A. Breimer & D. B. Macurda Strongyloblastus, a Mississippian blastoid from western Canada. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 51, nr. 4, pp. 693-700, I fig., i pi.


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1976

Jaarboeken | 270 Pagina's

Jaarboek 1976-1977 - pagina 224

Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1976

Jaarboeken | 270 Pagina's