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VU Magazine 1987 - pagina 43

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VU Magazine 1987 - pagina 43

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n^ ^Stf BENT U G E Ï N T E R E S S E E R D IN ENGELSTALIGE CHRISTELIJKE EN THEOLOGISCHE BOEKEN? INTERNATIONAL in both scope and authorship, and theological in approach, the International Theological Commentary moves beyond a descriptive / historical approach to offer a relevant exegesis of the Old Testament text a s Holy Scripture. The series aims, first, to develop the theological significance of the Old Testament and, second, to emphasize the relevance of each book for the life of the Church. Authors from more than seventeen countries, representing a wide range of geographical, ideological, and ecclesiastical b a c k g r o u n d s , r e a d the Hebrew text of the Old Testament in the twin contexts of Israel and our present day. NOW


INHERITING THE LAND: JOSHUA by E. John Hamlin " A delight to read, and the form and format of the book are conducive to good inductive Bible study and to helpful hermeneutical and homiletical approaches to the t e x t . " —Bibliotheca Sacra 1041-1. $8.95

SERVANT THEOLOGY: ISAIAH 40-55 by George A. F. Knight "Well-suited for sermon preparation, granting the preacher a wealth of illustrative material from such diverse sources as Christian h y m n o d y , cultural anthropology, science, linguistics and h i s t o r y . " —Covenant Quarterly 1039-X, $9.95 THE NEW ISRAEL: ISAIAH 56-66 by George A. F. Knight "Written clearly, with solid underpinning about style and historical context, this book requires only a reflective attitude and a sturdy Christian h e a r t . " —The Bible Today 0021-1, $5.95 SIGNS AND WONDERS: DANIEL by Robert A, Anderson " A work that is concise, based on accurate scholarship, and very well-written. At the same time, it shows genuine reverence for the text and a healthy unforced application of the same to present-day religious c o n c e r n s " —Catholic Biblical Quarterly 'n^S-l.$7.95 "There is an increasing interest in — and concern for — how 'Christian " organizations (and churches) are managed in today's complex society. Ray Anderson has made a careful study of this Christian organizational problem and

INTERNATIONAL THEOLOGICAL COMMENTARY Frederick Carlson Holmgren • and • George A. F. Knight, General Editors GOD'S PEOPLE IN CRISIS: AMOS and LAMENTATIONS by Robert Martin-Achard & Paul Re'emi " T h e s e are both excellent commentaries, succinct and lucid. . . . I t i s a p l e a s u r e to find so much information and careful exegesis presented so concisely." —Society for Old Testament Study 1040-3, $8.95 ISRAEL AMONG THE NATIONS: NAHUM, OB ADI AH, and USTHWl by Richard J. Coggins & Paul Re'emi "Although addressed particularly to ministers and Christian e d u c a t o r s , it would certainly be interesting to serious students of these Old Testament books." —Lutheran Journal 0048-3, $7.95

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1987

VU-Magazine | 485 Pagina's

VU Magazine 1987 - pagina 43

Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1987

VU-Magazine | 485 Pagina's