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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 23

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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 23

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Methodist Review,

was pantheist ami subjectivist. lie l)roui,^lit with liiia from the circles of the ^foiavians and found philosophic pantheism in Gernianv's univerThis was at once manifested in liis proposities of his day. sition that God is not thinkahle without the world, which proposition was defended among us, as Professor Bavinck correctly showed, by the late Professor De la Saussayc, of Groningen and every invention by the Martensens, the Kothcs, the Keerls, and the llolfmans, in Germany, to remove the ancient landmarks from the domain of the Christian religion, has been echoed from our pulpits ever since and reprinted by our press. By the conversion of truth into ethics the boundary fell which separates moral life from the life of thought, and presently dogmatics had to surrender its birthSelileiennaclier




right to the ''description of nioral life."


"Union Church"

without confessional discipline became the ideal also among us. To be e(|ually stern with tlie Calvinist and sympathetic with the rationalist


degrees there stole in



of a

higher life; and by

manner of strange



would have come in the world even had sin never entered, for Christ was the natural ideal toward which the progress of the human race was dii'ected. In Christ the Son of God was not incarnate, but human nature had reached in him a higher, divine-human character. As a human being Jesus could not liave been mere man, and in this way was renewed the legend of the Androgyne. Soul and body were no longer two, but lost in the mingliui; of the Gehtleihllclie. The mystery of the Trinity \vas a})plauded, but recast as by charm in the sense of The atonement consisted not in the the newer pliilosophy. dying of the Lamb of God for our sin, but in the appearance upon the tree of our race of its ideal Ijrauch. The Holy Scriptures are no longer the protluct of a positive rt'vehition, but the fi'uit of Israel's organic development, under higher influences, in connection, therefore, witli whatever was imparted to other nations. Justification by faith became lost nearly altogether in the nursing process of a heaveidy holiness.

Even the

absolute boundary between this and the conn'ng life

Mas taken away. have


I)ecn theologians


may occur who


after death


and there

jireached the contimi-

ance, on the other side of the grave, of a sacramental Church,

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's

Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 23

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's