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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 24

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Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 24

2 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Panthelsm''s Destruction of Boundaries. destined }X)iKlcr to complete the


process which here

renmiiis unKnished.

That which

stares ns in tlie face in


these parts


the effect

of what SchleiernKicher spun, and of what Schelliiig,


dangerous!}', emi)r(»i(lered with the glittering thread of gold. It

the recasting of forms, the wii>ing uut of lines, and iitting


out the Christian essence

in a

modern philosophic garh.


by doing this truth was lost, not merely that objective truth which stands gi-avcn in the tables of our confession, but that inward truth by which this confession meets with the rcsi)onse of It all became a confusion of tongues, *' Anum" from our heart. one cluKJS of floating nnsts. And then Schelling completed in statutarische Relithese men what Kant had begun with his gion^'' bj' inspiri!:g them, as Seholtin expressed it, with the art of proclaiming ''new and strange ideas in ecclesiastical terms ''''

as the decisions of ancient orthodoxy."


they jumped after the drowning to save h.irn


deep by him

"We do not


us grant that


they tried to save.

idealize Ritschl, but after all the chaotic would-

be theology there



the philosophic stream

but the tragic fate overtook them of being dragged


to the



relief in the clearness of his thought.


known, at least, that he has broken with the old metaphysics. But with Hitschl we wander still further off. Xo single boundary in religion is left unweakened or nnwarped to mark the ancient track. Piety is still demanded, but it must it is

be altogether gratuitous, S[)ontaneous, such as in the


to 1)0



in atiimals.

discovered in our house-dogs real

gimiings of "piety," which idea rily it raises



the question whether

eiul is also

scholars claim to have

of religion, as



so grotesque that involunta-




agi'eed to class

Fur an answer to which (since, with Islam cxcei)ted, nionog imy prefei's to be classed with mf>notheism) some clown may point us to the analog_y of their lower love; for the evolution from p(^lygamy to monogamy has not been attained by oni- poodles and our dogs.


w'ith polytheists or moiiotlieists.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's

Pantheism's destruction of boundaries - pagina 24

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 januari 1893

Abraham Kuyper Collection | 44 Pagina's