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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 161

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Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 161

..verzameld ter gelegenheid van haar honderddertigjarig bestaan op 20 oktober 2010 in opdracht van de Historische Commissie Vrije Universiteit

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

161 3 okt. 4 okt. 4 okt. 5 okt. 8 okt. 12 okt. 12 okt. 15 okt. 23 okt. 26 okt. 29 okt. 2 nov. 8 nov. 9 nov. 14 nov. 16 nov. 16 nov. 16 nov. 19 nov. 20 nov. 5 dec. 7 dec. 10 dec. 13 dec. 14 dec. 21 dec.

9 jan. 10 jan. 11 jan. 11 jan. 15 jan. 15 jan.

Temmink, O.H., Role of thymidine phosphorylase/platelet-derived endothelial cell growth factor inhibition in the cytotoxicity of fluoropyrimidines Temmerman, O.P.P., A Comparison of Radiographic and Scintigraphic Techniques to Assess Aseptic Loosening of a Total Hip Prosthesis Peters, R.P.H., Innovations in the diagnosis of bloodstream infection. A bench-bedside interaction Groot, V. de, Outcome Measurement and Functional Prognosis in early Multiple Sclerosis Jansen, A.P.D., Effectiveness of case management among older adults with dementia symptoms and their informal caregivers Diederen, B.M.W., New Approaches to the Laboratory Diagnosis of Legionnaires’ Disease Baars, A., Active specific immunotherapy for solid tumours Versteilen, A.M.G., Cellular Mechanisms of Acute Renal Failure in Rats Derksen, R.J., The SEN concept; a novel strategy for resolving Emergency Department crowding. Specialized Emergency Nurses (SENs) treating ankle and foot injuries Lont, A.P., Refinements in the etiology and management of penile squamous cell carcinoma Westerman, M.J., The struggle behind I’m all right. Response shifts and self-presentation in small-cell lung cancer patients Vink, S.R., Alkylphospholipids combined with radiotherapy; translational studies Winogrodzka, H.S., Parkinson’s disease: monitoring early diagnosis and disease progression Jongh, R.T. de, Microvascular Dysfunction: Metabolic and Cardiovascular Causes and Consequences Dongen, Y.C. van, Direct and indirect communication between functionally different regions of the rat striatum George, E.L.J., Factors affecting speech reception in fluctuating noise and reverberation Scholtes, V.A.B., The effectiveness of multilevel botulinum toxin type A and comprehensive rehabilitation in children with cerebral palsy Bastos Leite, A.J. de, Pathological ageing of the brain: a neuroimaging perspective Keijzer, C., Interactions of inhalational anesthetics and carbon dioxide absorbents. Measurements of carbon monoxide and compound A in an anesthetic circuit Boer, K.H.N. de, Thiopurines and IBD: pharmacology and toxicity Blom, M.B.J., Combination treatment for depressed outpatients: efficacy and prediction of outcome Siroen, M.P.C., The clinical significance of asymmetric dimethylarginine Dijk, M. van, Functional genomics of pre-eclampsia: the Dutch susceptibility gene STOX1 Bakker, I.M., Stress-related mental disorders with sick leave: a minimal intervention in general practice Marel, A.P.J. van der, Lymph node microenvironment in control of immune responses Soethout, M.B.M., Career preference of medical students and career choice of recent graduates. Factors influencing the preference for a choice of a medical speciality in general and in public health in particular 2008 Hooning, M.J., Adverse effects of treatment in long-term survivors of breast cancer Esch, M. van der, Knee Joint Stability and Functional Ability in Patients with Osteoarthritis of the Knee Molenkamp, B.G., Diagnosing Melanoma and Immunomodulation of the Melanoma Sentinel Lymph Node Straaten, E.C.W. van, MRI correlates of vascular cerebral lesions and cognitive impairment Bulkmans, N.W.J., Primary hrHPV testing in cervical screening: the arguments Bulk, S., Prevention of cervical cancer in the Netherlands Studies on cytology and HPV infections

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26-8-2010 20:52:36

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Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's

Gegevens betreffende de Vrije Universiteit 1980-2010 - pagina 161

Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Gegevensboeken | 280 Pagina's